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Merry Early Christmas, you guys. Thank you for all the support and getting this book to over a thousand views. I love you. 💕


"TURN IT OFF!" Kakarot screams while I laugh uncontrollably. "Babe, c'mon. Don't be such a Grinch." He rolls his eyes, turning off the oven and preparing himself to take out the oatmeal raisin cookies I asked for.

"I'm not being a Grinch. I've just made you cookies and taking you out sightseeing. We haven't even gotten to Thanksgiving yet. Turn it off." With a small pout, I shut off the radio that was blasting Christmas music.

He chuckles at my face, tsking a little. "Stop that. C'mere and eat these cookies so we can go."


Bright colorful lights take my breath away as I stride hand in hand with Kakarot, who is in just as much awe as I. Light piano music strums its way throughout the park, setting the Chirstmassy(I'm pretty sure that isn't a word but I'm keeping it) mood even more.

"See? Pretty, right? Aren't you glad you came here with me?" I cheese goofily at him, watching his eyes absorb the sight around him.

"Mm, I suppose." He feigns seriousness before shooting me his signature smirk. Nudging him slightly, I blush out of embarrassment when he steps to the side which causes me to trip slightly.

"Kakarot, you idiot! You're so rude." I'm fuming but laughing and so is he as he grabs me and pulls me into him, back to his chest. "Stopppp, let go of me."

He doesn't. Instead, he gently tilts my chin back and kisses me several times on my lips.

Trailing down, warm lips attach themselves on my neck. I gasp softly when they bite and suck. "Kaka-h-hhm! G-goku-! Hah! W-what are you-h-hm-!"

He presses his growing bulge against me and it throbs, making me shiver. His teeth bare harsher along my bond mark. Chewing on my lip, I can't help but whimper and lean further back into him.

"Kakarot a-ah. W-we're in public." I'm trying to control my wavering voice because people are starting to stare but he just grunts and I can feel him smirk into my skin.

I knew there was a catch. I shouldn't have played that song before we left. Who doesn't like 'All I want for Christmas is you?' I thought the song was a classic.

"Let's go home." He whispers, his tongue flicking out to lick the shell of my ear. A gurgle of a whine bubbles in my throat. I guess we could properly go see the lights another night...

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