A Love Like This

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                                     Buzzzzzzzzzz, buuuuzzzzz, buuuuuzzzzzzz! My mate winces slightly in pain, his minute masterpiece nearly finished.

"I can't believe I was able to convince you to do this." I giggle, astonished. "You despise needles."

"Yes but I love you."

Fuck, how does his rebuttals leave me speechless all the time? He smirks at me knowingly, making me blush.

Instead of letting him see it, I force my eyes to descend to my own freshly done body ink located on my wrist. I decided to do something significant but not grandiose. My back concurs, it not needing any competition at all.

"Alright, all done." The tattooist breaks my train of thoughts and my scattered view.

"And please for the love of all that is holy no matter how tempting, please do not scratch at it." I peer down at his arm that now bared this colorful art. He wouldn't let me look at it while it was getting done nor tell me what he was getting. That was the deal.

It's... magnificent. He's put a lot of thought into this. It's an intricate design featuring a beloved tint of dark scarlet.

A flaming rose in bloom beams from his forearm and I refrain from stroking it gently. Above this passionate flower, there are two quotes in an italicized style.

"They wish, they wish that they could have a love like this. 1/17/2002."

"Fire and ice colliding.
Wanna go deep and dive in.
Heaven on Earth but hell of a night to melt into one. 3/12/2002."

Oh. I didn't even notice the dates.

Now I'm fairly sure both quotes are about us which I find quite special.

The dates... He remembered.

The second one sends goosebumps down my spine though. It's not a quote but an excerpt from a song. Those four lines perfectly spell out the first time wild, power exchanging coitus made itself known in our relationship, hence the opposition of our personalities meshing so carnally. I quiver at the realization.

He remembered that too. Along with the date. The movement of him standing brings my inspection to a halt.

"What's going on in that sexy head of yours?" He asks, holding the door for me as we leave. "You haven't said a word."

"I'm just in awe, that's all."

"Care to share why? Also you never told me what you got done. Looks so small if you're looking at it from a distance."

"It's a semicolon." I need to change the subject, I'm getting all hot and bothered simply because of that song.

Or rather, the meaning behind it. His meaning...

"You got a tattoo of a punctuation mark?" His cluelessness never eludes to cause warm tingles in my chest. We're in the car now but he hasn't moved. He's waiting.

"It's a bit deeper than that. 1/17... You remembered the day I tried to take my life and I remembered the day you stopped me." He cuts me off by intaking air harshly and uncomfortably, sitting up. We don't like to talk about it much, it staining his memory in a rather painful way. I move on swiftly.

"This is a reminder that I'm stronger than my thoughts. I can handle anything that threatens me mentally and you showed me that. Your own imprint on my canvas." He chuckles amused, pressing a soothing kiss to my nose.

"I'll always be here for you, my baby and I'm very proud of you. That doesn't explain your sudden hushedness at the parlor shop."

"You're just... always surprising me. You dedicated your first tattoo to two of the most important events in my life. U-um.. excuse me for being so blunt but th-that being said, can we please go home?" Arching an eyebrow and flashing that feral smile, he lifts my chin up.

"Why, Vegeta?" Jeez... He knows exactly why too.

"H-h-hm. I wanna be alone with you." He always makes me nervous...

"Tell me why you want to be alone with me." His mouth is by my ear and I softly whine.

"So... w-we can do what we do best."

"Most certainly. Maybe we'll even have time for a quickie in the car, yeah?" Oh Gods...

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