Goku's Hot Potato

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"Stop it, you clown!" Vegeta scowls yet I can see that warm smile I fell in love with etched into his face.

"Don't wanna! You smell so good. And you're so small and cuddly."

Burying my nose into the nape of his neck, the scent of sandalwood and a hint of patchouli takes my breath away and I groan a little.

"Mmm, you been using my body wash too, haven't you?" I purr, more kisses being given to him all over his face. At this, he lets out a rare giggle and leans into me more.

"Yes. Now please let go of me."

"No. You will stay here, accept my love and kisses, and you will like it, dammit." I then wrap my Vegeta in a blanket burrito and cuddle the ever-loving shit out of him.

Kami, he just fits me like a glove. Or a perfect bowl of warm mashed potatoes...

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