Suit & Tie

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Haven't switched their positions in a minute. 😈💦


Sifting through massive amounts of paperwork, I sense someone's timid eyes on me. I glance up quick though I already know who it is. I want to ensure that he knows that I know that he's looking. He's been doing this intensely for the past ten minutes, ostensibly scatterbrained.

We've been non-talking 'office buddies' for a month but his staring only recently started. At first I found our awkward banter of an eye contest enjoyable but I haven't had my coffee today.

Meaning? My patience is at zero.

If he does it again, I'll walk straight into his open cubicle and ask him if he'd like to take a picture.

Sure enough, five minutes go by and I'm struck with that feeling again that I'm being watched.

Enough of this.

I sign one more document before slamming the papers down, startling him because of course he's still staring at me.

Stupid doe eyes...

"Is there a problem?" Forget being professional, he's disregarded that despite being caught by the person he's oogling.

Doesn't he know how rude that is? He twiddles his fingers, no doubt racking his brain for an appropriate response.

"P-problem? Uh.. no. Why do you ask?" Your appealing stutter is not going to distract me.

"Yes, I'd say we have a problem. You've been staring at me since you got in earlier this morning. I got something on my face?" Call me crazy, but I think he stifled a giggle at my comment. For whatever reason, a twinge of a smile bursts out.

"N-no. You don't have anything on your face. I just... um..."

"You what? Spit it out so I can get back to work."

"You're really handsome!" He squeaks out in a somewhat hushed whisper, blushing out of embarrassment.

Oh, he's so lucky there are three other people on the other side of this floor because if they weren't here, I'd bend him over my desk for that little compliment.

Instead, I cock my head at him and I love the way his breath picks up from it.

"Come to me after everyone is gone. We'll talk then. Until that time, keep your eyes to yourself. I need to get these papers filed and I won't be able to do that if you are looking at me. Alright?"


Three o'clock arrives fast, faster than it ever has. I'm not complaining, I can't wait to see that innocent man again. In more... lewd positions hopefully.

"Are you sure? You could always finish this tomorrow." Who the hell-?

"It's fine. I don't have anything else to do. I'll lock up when I'm finished." Huh... He didn't stutter.

"Hrm. Alright, Goku. I'll let the bossman know. Don't you stay later than five, hear me? I swear you work too hard for this company." The annoying female coworker finally leaves, leaving it so quiet in this space you could hear a pin drop.

Ten more minutes pass by yet I hear a couple of lingerers collecting their things in a last minute rush. I'm being so patient. I want to have him all to myself. Not just on this floor, but the entire building.

There are no more movements.

Completely still.


His footsteps are soft ones, similar to his voice as they approach me.

"H-hi." Mmm... The delectable nervousness is back. "Um... you said we could talk?" I suggest, no more like demand that he sit down next to me non-verbally, him following my order to a t.

Hm. Naturally submissive. This could be fun.

"Why do you keep staring at me? This isn't your first day doing it." I roam his body hungrily with my eyes and I don't dare miss the clenching of his muscles.

"I.... I like you. I've liked you since I started working here.. Ju-just been too scared to say it so-so I stare. Sorry if I've offended or bothered you in any way."

Oh fuck. No, sweetheart you've enhanced my attraction to you tenfold.

I pull his chair closer to me, his whine burning my ears, Kami. Haven't even touched him yet.

"You like me, Goku?" (Oh, this feels so weird to call him that in Vegeta's POV. I probably will never do it again in future chapters/oneshots. Oh shit, broke the fourth wall. Carry on 💋.)

I'm in his personal space now, near his ear. We're eyeing each other seductively, him more skiddish and panty. "Please call m-me Kakarot. Goku's the name I use for public reasons because hah... a-ah um... Everyone mispronounces it."

Kakarot. To me, it's got a better ring than Goku.

"Kakarot." I tease, testing how it actually sounds. I was right. It does sound better. He agrees, his mewl like whimpers resonating around the office.


"You like me, hm?"

"Ye-yes, I do. Please."

What is he begging for? To stop, to continue? Most likely the latter by the way his fingers are wrapped around the arms of the chair.

"Kakarot, do you want me to kiss you?"

"Y-yes. Gods pl-please yes."

"Where?" He yelps when I nip at his smooth jawline. Pointing to his plump lips with a lustful shudder, I waste no time connecting our mouths together passionately. I groan at the feel of them, luscious and sweet.

He's finally brave enough to wrap his arms around my neck to tug me closer. An insatiable thirst barges its way into my mind when between the kisses, he moans my name against my lips.

I need to taste more of him.

Carefully, I undo the top buttons of his black formal shirt, exposing his naked chest. I slowly trail my tongue from down his neck, stopping at his Adam's apple for a spin, then leisurely trailing down to an already perched nipple. "Ah!" He moans when I latch my mouth around it, licking, sucking, lightly biting.

"Da-" Oh. Oh, was he about to-? He clears his throat, clearly humiliated.

"What were you about to say?"

Damn, I know what you were about to say but I need to hear you say it. Now.

"I-i... hm-hm.." He shakes his head furiously as if to say please don't make me repeat that.

"C'mon, Kakarot. Repeat yourself." I let my hand explore lower, pleased to feel that he's hard thanks to this fruitful teasing. Palming ever so softly he gasps, a painstakingly shrill cry falling from his parted lips.



There it is. Fucking amazing. Just from me rubbing his member while he's clothed. A shiver runs through me. Wonder what else I could make you cry out, Kakarot.

"Daddy, hm? I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised. The shyest ones are always the freakiest. Eyes on me."

Goku X Vegeta OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now