"Spit It Out."

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                                             "Vegeta, for the last time, I told you to sit down! Yes, I'm so sorry. You'll have to excuse me for one second." Putting my zoom call on mute and turning off the camera, I stomp over to a very high of sugar Vegeta, who hasn't eaten all fucking morning mind you.

"Prince, I'm really not in the mood to play right now. I have work to do. So. How about you make this simple for both of us and give Daddy that piece of candy you just put in your mouth, hm? Spit. it. out." Goddammit and he knows better too. He just smiles and shrugs innocently.

"I don't know what you're talking about, sir." Brats, am I right?

"Okay, Vegeta. Have it your way." All patience gone, I grip his waist hard to stop any running away from me and my other hand goes into his mouth to pull out a fucking yellow laffy taffy.

Out of all the sweets he could have chosen, he went with a yellow laffy taffy.

Like... On purpose.


Nonchalantly, I lean down and smack his ass hard twice. Once the initial shock of his bratty ass being put in his place sinks in his thick skull, he whimpers loudly, standing rigidly still.

"Ow-owwie! That hurt, you asshole." My face darkens and he knows it's over. I'm not even able to get my words out all the way because he's trying me when he knows I have things to do.

"Five minutes. Go sit. Don't talk. Vegeta? Heh, whew. Vegeta, I swear if you whine one more time, I'm going to bruise that little bottom of yours until you beg me to stop only I won't because I fucking warned you a thousand times to behave. Vegeta-"

                          "Mr. Son, are you there? Hello?"

I huff, ironically feeling my own bratty attitude come over me as I grip my little prince and drag him back to my makeshift office in the kitchen where my laptop is sitting on the table. He's not going to let me work in peace, that much is already confirmed.

Tch. Fine.

Before he can say anything, I force him down on his knees in front of me, shooting him a warning glare that makes his mouth snap shut. He peeks up at me with that glossed over, pathetic stare as he fiddles with his fingers, pouting and staring at my crotch since it's at his eye level.

I grip his chin in my fingers, hardening almost instantly at the way he bites his lip at me.

"Now be good and be still. I've had to talk to you too many times today. Hush that cute mouth of yours and let me do what I need to do. Nod your head if you understood what I just said." Gulping, he nods slowly keeping my gaze for a second before dropping it out of respect.

Un-pausing my meeting, I smile brightly to the twenty something eyes glazing somewhat impatiently at me through my computer screen. "I sincerely apologize for that. I assure you there will be no more interruptions from here on out. If you will, I'd like for you to turn your attention to page four in your handbooks." Glancing down quickly, I see Vegeta has a permanent pout on his lips. He's so cute, even when he's disobeying me.



At least he's not talking out loud. Can't be mad at him for finding creative loopholes to not do what I asked.

'Yes, my darling, darling boy?'

'A-are you mad at me?'

'No, sweetheart. I just need you to listen to me when I ask you to do something. Understand?'

'Yes daddy.'

"So as you can see, our stocks have risen exponentially compared to last quarter. I've got a good feeling about phase two. But we need to make sure our customer base doesn't shrink because-hm?!"

You ever get the feeling that things are going way too smoothly?

Vegeta's palming me and himself, two rules I frown very harshly upon not to mention I'm working.

"B-because, Mr. Son?" One of my underlings asks, prompting others to stop writing on their notepads and wait for my reply.

'Vegeta. Little prince, heh... My sweet, unruly fucking mate. You need to stop. Right. Now.'

He doesn't, going a step further by taking my now fully hard cock out of my pants and stroking it.

"We uh... Ahem. We can't afford to lose anyone else in our consumer base. Page fifteen... There are some ideas that I want your input and feedback on." Suddenly, a warm tongue trails its way up the side of my cock and that's the straw that breaks my dominating back.

When he gets to the now throbbing, aching tip I shove my entire length in his mouth only I don't move. It sits at the back of his throat and I chuckle at how he's choking on it.

Petting his hair nonchalantly, I continue on with my meeting that lasts for about ten more minutes. I shift to some degree so that he can breathe though the sadistic side of me wants to torment his lungs for being so bratty.

When it's all said and done, pleasure tears are streaming down his face as he hiccups out apologies. Did you know, after I spanked him like I promised, that he had the nerve to whimper out, "You taste a lot better than candy, Daddy."

Hah. Vegetas... Rare to find in any lifetime.

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