The Prince's Plaything

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                                   "200,000? Is that the final offer? Do I hear another price? Going one, going twice? Sold to Prince Vegeta!" The lower class shuffles in his skin as the bright stage lights intensify, then dull. The other less fortunate candidates find their way down the steps. A symphony of shackles reverberates around the dusty building, his own digging into his skin and leaving red imprints in its wake.

Prince Vegeta.

The name alone sends shivers down his spine. It was feared all across the planet. Now, he was going to witness first hand the extreme depths of his rumored cruelty. A familiar, burly guard approaches him and Goku flinches back mostly out of habit, gaze downcasted.

He hated this man especially. He is the one who was in charge of training Goku to withstand unthinkable amounts of sadistic affliction to prep for the next auction. Or rather, a failsafe for the demented prince.

More than the contempt though, a vast amount of unease truged through him. Why of all people did he have to be the one to make the hand off?

"Let's go, filth." The man sneers, poking the poor full blooded's back with an electrical prod. He chokes on a cry as he finds himself tripping over his own feet.

How embarrassing! He hopes the prince hadn't witnessed that.

"I said on your feet! You want another jolt?!"

Shaking his head rapidly, he's on his feet within seconds, tears threatening to make themselves known.

"That was too slow. I think you do need another one." A disgustingly wicked cackle strikes through the air near him and he yelps frightfully.

'No, no please! No more! I-i'm trying to get up!' Goku's inner pleas ironically fall on deaf ears so he curls up into a ball, again on the cold floor as he braces himself for another shock.

Amazingly, it never connects with his spine.

"Enough. I said to bring him to me, not to hurt him. Your wire transfer will be available to you in an hour. Now leave us before I use that weapon on you." Hurriedly footsteps depart, Goku not daring to inch at all to confront his ruthless savior. His voice, Goku decides then and there, is really pretty though. Husky and full of authoritative standing.

"Are you alright?"

'Oh, he's talking to me! Quick Goku, respond. Respond!'

"I'm-i'm fine, sir!" The lower class squeaks out, hurrying to get in his position on his knees in front of the prince. No way is he allowing his discomfort to spoil this. The man might've been cruel but he's plenty bountiful. Goku craves that above everything else.

There's no response and despite the desperate need for him to look up at the prince, he knows better.

"Don't lie to me." He orders sternly. The man below him whimpers, both from the command itself and the sexiness that oozed out of his mouth from said statement. He's so caught up in repeating how heavenly the prince sounded, he doesn't even have the nerve to answer him. Truthfully, his back is stinging but nothing more.

He had felt worse.

"Refusing to answer me? That will never do. Consider this your first and last warning. On your feet."


He furiously blinks back several bouts of fresh tears, peeking up nervously at the allegedly vicious man who had bought him before willing himself to stand.

'Gods. His jawline is so sharp I could cut my fingers on it. I want to touch it but he probably won't let me, not without permission and I'm too scared to ask.'

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