The Courage To Fly

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I extended my hand waiting ever so patiently for him to grab it. "It's not going to let me. I'll fall through."

"Trust me.." He sighed defeated and placed a hand in mine. I lifted him up and placed him in my lap.

"This isn't a good idea." He tensed up as we started to move. "I'd rather just fly."

"For once prince, trust me." I slid my hand in between his clenched fist. As expected, he reacted almost immediately to my touch and let his body fall more into place with mine.

What he hadn't known was that I had Nimbus altered just a little. As long as he doesn't have direct contact, he wouldn't fall through.

He laid back against me, sighing contently. We started to go higher and higher, above the clouds. It was... peaceful. "Kakarot?" I heard him whisper. He won't look at me though.

"Yes?" There was a pregnant pause and honestly when he did that it scared me. He was rather dramatic at times. But all he said was, "Thank you." I smiled at that, holding him closer.

Small wisps of air drifted past us while I ordered Nimbus to descend. We were close to the ocean now, close enough that Vegeta ran his fingers across it. It was nice to see him carefree.

He had a lot on his plate so I took comfort in knowing I helped him relax from time to time. He truly deserved it.

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