"Got A Little Something...-"

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"Whoa, whoa! Careful, sweetheart. You'll drop it on the ground and I won't ever hear the end of it." I tease my mate, who is a little more irritable than usual at the moment. He couldn't decide what flavor of ice cream he wanted on his cone so he got all of them. What's more? He got two separate cones and I'm only allowed, I think, one lick.

From one.

But the joke's on him now because he is struggling to balance them both while eating and walking.

It's a mess.

Taking a break from his 'well deserved' chilled desert, he halts suddenly which causes me to do the same.

"How about instead of you commenting on what could happen, you help?" He huffs and I know it's supposed to be serious but he's just too adorable.

"Well, I would but you're scared I'll eat it. I've offered twice." He rolls his eyes, more feisty than ever now. Instead of arguing with him further, I cautiously pull him towards me by his swollen waist.

"You got a little something on your lip. May I?" I trail my tongue against his strawberry covered mouth, him shuddering at the contact.

"Mmm, tastes even better off of you." I growl softly in his ear, softly nipping at it. He gasps slightly, eyes glazed over. He completely forgets that he is angry with me just like that, even though I technically didn't do anything wrong. Hormones outwits the prince yet again. Score one for me.

At least for today.

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