The Bad Day

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I snuggle deeper into my pillow, trying my hardest to go back to sleep. There's a vague pounding feeling in my wrists but I think nothing of it.

Until I hear glass shatter in the bathroom.

I sit up, panic pulsing through me. "Vegeta!" I cry out, faint lines of blood appearing on my skin. Shit not again. Sadness overwhelms me, consuming my thoughts and making it hard to concentrate. Oh Gods, Vegeta what have you done?

I stumble to my feet, busting down the door to the bathroom. His slick body remains still on the floor. Another rush of terror floods through me.

No no no please he can't be dead, he can't die no Gods no. Please don't take him away from me. Anything but that.

Picking his head up, I place two shaky fingers to the side of his neck. There's a weak pulse. It's weak, but it's there. I swiftly lift him up in my arms, speechless. I put him down on the bed and I wait.

Three days to be exact.

His tired, bloodshot eyes flutter open slowly. Once they meet mine, they widen with alarm. He sits up, not saying a word.

"Nice to see you're still alive." I state.

"Karo, I was just..."

"Just what? Please explain to me and give me a damn good reason as to why I had to find you clinging to life on our bathroom floor."

He looks down at his bandaged arm, tears welling in his eyes. "I'm waiting."

"I-i j-just wanted you t-to be happy." He chokes on his sobs. "Right. Great job, prince. Because I'm so much happier when you're bleeding out, close to death. So much happier trying to explain to our kids why their tama isn't waking up."

"That's not fair." He mumbles between ragged breaths. Running a stressed hand through my hair, I sigh.

"No Vegeta. What's not fair is that you didn't come talk to me. We're supposed to be a team. You're supposed to be able to communicate with me, no matter how hard the situation might be. Instead I find you-"

"Don't!" He snaps. "Don't say it anymore. You found me on the bathroom floor, I get it! I caused you so much grief and heartache. Gods, just shut up about it! You're not the only person that's hurting here. But that never matters to you, does it?" He flings the covers off his body, making a feeble effort to get out of bed.

"Where do you think you're going? You don't even have the strength to make it out of bed."

"Wherever you're not. Watch me." One leg swings out from underneath the sheets within seconds of the other.

"For the love of Kami, prince. Why can't you just listen to me for a change?"

He scoffs, pushing his weight onto a nearby dresser. See, I knew he was too weak. He should be resting but no, he just always has to do whatever he wants.

"Listen to you? Hmph. Do you ever listen to me?"

"Of course I do-!"

"No! You don't! You listen to respond, never to just comprehend what I'm trying to tell you. You make me sick." He finally collapses as he is unable to hold on to the nightstand made dresser. I stay completely still for a second, processing what he's said.

I raise him from the floor once more and place him back on the bed. "I don't need your help." He pants. I get on my knees in front of him, holding his hands.

"Baby, I-... I'm sorry." Damn, he's right. I don't ever listen to him. If I had, we wouldn't be in this predicament right now. 

"Right." He scoffs again, wiping away his tears.

"No, I am. Seriously." I take his hands away from his face, taking his chin in my fingers.

"I really am sorry. You don't deserve half of the things I've done or said. Had I paid attention to you more, this wouldn't have happened. And for that, I truly am sorry." He shifts, the intolerable act of us talking about feelings finally getting to him. But I hear something from him I never thought I would.

"That hurt me, you know. What you said." A sharp pang of guilt cuts through me.

"I know... I can't even apologize enough. That was uncalled for."

"You're right, it was. My feelings are just as important as yours." I peer into his lap, no words strong enough to convey how horrible I feel that I made him feel worse than he already did.

"Stop giving me pity. Just get up here and cuddle me, dammit." I chuckle with a sad griamce and climb in beside him. I really don't even deserve to be near him right now.

"I want breakfast in bed." He suddenly turns to me, head on my chest. I unwrap his bandages while he looks at me with utter confusion. "Kakarot, what're you doing?" I don't answer him. Once his arm is bare, I kiss each and every scar.

"I promise we'll get through this together. No more of you handling things alone. No more judgement from me." I whisper, I can tell he's about to cry again.

"Your favorite? Bacon, pancakes and eggs for tomorrow? Already done."

"I love you." He murmers and presses himself more to me. A dull headache is starting to form at my temples.

It's from him though and it isn't long before he falls asleep in my arms. He shuffles a bit so I gently hum and sing in his ear to soothe him.

'If only, if only,' the woodpecker sighs
The bark on the trees was as soft as the skies
As the wolf waits below, hungry and lonely
He cries to the moon, 'If only, if only'

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