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"You're insane!" I shout, seething. He's done some crazy things but this? This is... I have no words for it. Scheming behind my back to ask Shenron for this. He must be crazy. "There is no way in hell I'm doing this."

"So what? You're just going to let him wander around for the thirty minutes that he's here when you could talk to him?" I gaze at the angry boy who is currently kicking dirt with his boots, staring off into the distance.

"Talk to him?! I am him, you idiot! Why would you even do this?" He sharply inhales, bringing me into his arms and though I fight with him slightly, he patiently waits for me to calm down like I always do.

"Baby." He coos, that warm honey tone of his melting me instantly. "You have nothing to lose. Trust me, alright? Go talk to him." Nudging me in the direction of where my younger self is heading, I end up tripping over my own feet and falling.


The sound gets his attention though and he begins walking towards me. My palms get sweaty, what the hell was I expected to say to him? When we're near each other, I'm almost brought to tears.

"Who are you?" The boy snaps. "Where am I?"

"This is Earth. I'm.. well, I'm you." He peers at me, untrusting. I see where I get my airtight guard from. "I'm not going to hurt you. I promise." He still doesn't say anything, arms crossed. How many times had he heard that one? Too many to count, really.

I crouch down to his level, expecting him to scurry away but he stays still. "I know this is kind of confusing. But you don't have to say anything. Just listen." Again, I press my luck and allow my hand to nestle its way into his hair.

He doesn't shy away.

"You are a warrior. A prince whose will was forged in steel. I just want to tell you that I'm proud of you. That I've always been proud of you. I wasn't the best at showing you love when you really needed it. I'm... I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry that I allowed the harsh criticism from people that didn't really matter be the story I told you countless times. You deserved a lot better than you got, Vegeta. But I'm here now. It's okay to let your walls down again. I won't let anyone hurt you. I swear it." My younger self is weeping and I am too, knowing the clown has done it again.

He always seems to know what I need at the exact time that I need it.

"Why'd you dye your hair blue?" He sniffs, wiping his tears away roughly until I scold him gently to be more careful with himself. "I didn't. It is a transformation called Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan but no one calls it that. It's too long, so we stuck with Super Saiyan Blue."

"We realized the legend." He beams through his tears, a twinkle in his eye. A genuine smile. I don't think I ever smiled when I was younger. Not like that.

"Don't you see, little one?" I whisper into his hair as I embrace him, his arms snug around my neck. "We are the legend."

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