Forever And A Day

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There's a beautiful song called I See The Light on the soundtrack of the Disney movie Tangled and it is where I got the inspiration for this one-shot. The picture helped loads as well, ofc lol. Actually, if you look close enough at Vegeta's hair, you can see a similar flowery headband that Rapunzel wore in that scene.

Whoever did this artwork, you deserve all the kisses and hugs in the world 💛. Hope you enjoy, sweet babies. 💕💫


                          Magnificent. That's the only word that comes to mind as I am led to an oak colored canoe surrounded by multiple sunset latern tints that reflect themselves in the water. "I know you hate lakes but please bear with me for twenty minutes, yeah?"

Big oaf. I'd never be able to say no to you. I situate myself into a seatable position, cringing when the canoe tips slightly. A pair of strong arms slip around me, to calm me it seems.

It works. Always does.

"I've got you, little prince. I promise. I'm going to sit back now, alright?" Slowly, I retract my limbs from his neck, smiling warmly at him. What in the world did I do to deserve this beautiful man?

"Be." What? Be what?

He reaches over to run a soothing hand along my cheek, his other free palm clasping my shaky fingers.

"You haven't 'done' anything special to deserve me, love. You deserve me and much more simply because you exist." Gods, I don't think anyone has ever said something like that to me in my life.

My eyes begin to involuntarily become misty and watery, eventually no longer able to hold its tremendous weight as it trails down my face. And I let it. Usually, I'm trying to be tough around him and convince him I don't need any comfort but this time, I let it... He's so amazing... The way he loves me... it's breathtaking.

"Um... I can't believe I'm about to do this, considering how you reacted last time." Laughter replaces my joy induced waterworks because I know what he's referring to.

"It was corny but I wasn't mad at you or the fact that you did it. I was more mad that I enjoyed it as much as I did. Imagine me, the Prince of all saiyans, dancing to... Gods, what was the name of that Godforsaken song?"

Kakarot beams at me, his grin twinkling like the lanterns that are all around us. "Can I have this dance. Your first Earthling movie, how could I ever forget? It took me ten minutes to get you to dance with me. Oh man, and we were singing along with the movie haha. We had it on repeat for hours."

The tenderness in my chest grows and I watch him resume spoiling me with his words.

"I brought that up because of something you mentioned last week. Do you remember how you were talking to me about how the renactment wasn't as bad as you thought? And... that if you ever got the chance, you'd like to do it again with a different movie? Maybe... the one we saw as of late." Suddenly, everything clicks.

The small boat.

The lights, the time of day. He waited until nighttime to give it that otherworldly, romantic feel, just as the movie we saw did. My throat closes up on me again and before I can express my awe, he pulls out his phone and plays a karaoke version of the song.


"I'm not going to have to beg you this time around, am I?"

I shake my head, tears threatening to spill for the second time. He just smiles, mutely replying to what I cannot say right now. Our hands interlace, him surely peering into the depths of a place no one had ever dared to go before.

My soul...

"Thank you for loving me." I manage to get out, barely above a whisper after our fourth time singing the powerful ballad. He catches it, tenderly pressing his lips to mine, letting it linger...

"No, sweetheart. Thank you for allowing me to love you. I know that after all the pain you've been through, letting your walls down is the last thing you thought about doing. But I'm so glad you did it for me." He places another chaste kiss, this time on my forehead. His phone cuts off unexpectedly, the music halting.

Yet, softly, he picks up the slack...

'And at last I see the light

And it's like the fog has lifted

And at last I see the light

And it's like the sky is new

And it's warm and real and bright

And the world has somehow shifted

All at once everything is different

Now that I see you'

I reach up, my arms begging to be back around his neck, my forehead craving to be against his and I join him on the last line, our fifth walkthrough completed by a dual impact.

"Now that I... see you..."

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