Chapter Thirty-Five

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Gaara ran back to the clearing in the woods, being sure to be careful of any leftover traps the bandits may have left. Eventually he made it, slowing his pace down so he could give his beloved a hug. Hana welcomed it and held on to him tight. She could smell a rancid smell coming off of him. The smell of blood. She opened her eyes in shock before replacing it with a simple smile.

"I'm glad you're safe mi amor." She knows what he did. He killed. He killed a lot. But he had to. He's not a murderer is he? They were bad guys right? Her mother always taught her that all life is sacred, but she never mentioned if the same virtue applies to being a ninja. Ninjas kill. Not because they want to, but because they have to. They kill to protect. Even her parents must have killed someone at some point right? They are ninjas after all. She had been sheltered from the reality of ninjas for so long that she even forgot that deatg is a common occurence on the battle field. But she had to understand. She knew she had to wrap her head around it. Her parents are ninjas. They killed. But they aren't evil. Neither is Gaara. They are all so kind, and risk their own lives to protect the village; even if that means ending ones life.

"Are you alright?" Asked Gaara. How long had she been lost in her thoughts? She shook her head before giving a small laugh.

"I'm sorry, I was just worried about you. I'm glad you're safe and sound." Gaara held her hand as he nodded in understanding.

"Not to break the love fest but we gotta figure a way to move this big guy." Interrupted Kankuro. "Even if your dad stayed as a bear he can't carry him all tge way to the village."

"We won't need to. There's vacancy at the inn. It's safe now." Added Gaara. Kankuro and Mr. Aozora exchanged glances before nodding at Gaara in understanding. Whatever threat waiting for them at the inn is now either disabled or dead. Aozora shifted back into a bear as the three of them adjusted the tiger on his back, most of the adjusting being done by Aozora himself. After finally getting him stabilized on his back, the group sped off to the inn, Aozora being a little slower as to not knock off the tiger from his back. As strong as a bear can be, that damn cat is still heavy.

Once they arrived outside the inn, Gaara asked them to wait outside as he went in to get the rooms. The woman at the front desk turned to face him. It was the same old woman from before. He explained that he returned for two large rooms. The woman nodded and handed him the keys. He thanked her and added:

"Oh, um, are pets allowed?"

"Pets sir? Well, there is a 1500 yen addition per night fee for cleaning purposes."

"In that case I will pay for that and for any possible expenses during our stay for the night. He is a uh,"

"That should be fine. Here is your change sir." Gaara takes the change before heading out to bring in the rest of the group.

The woman gasps as she watches the group before her: a scrappy looking half animal half human girl, a gentleman with way too much makeup on, the kazekage, and half the godforesaken zoo. She steps back in horror as she watches them march down the hallway and up the stairs. The kazekage pauses and turns to her.

"And don't worry madam, we will pay if there is an incident with the um... pets." She merely nodded while watching leave her view. She slumped back in her chair as she shook her head and grabbed the bottle of sake she kept hidden under the desk. She poured herself a little while mumbling "I'm getting too old for this."

Once at their respective rooms, Hana and Gaara entered their room to see one large bed to share. Luckily Kankuro's room had two double beds so sharing wasn't needed for them. Hana grabbed on of the towels and said she'll head into the bath; being covered in dirt and cuts was not an ideal aesthetic for her. She walked to the bath, her bushy tail always swaying side to side behind her. Gaara couldn't help but watch since they were finally alone. Even with the pill he took, he could still smell the tantalizing scent of Hana during her heat. And it's been driving him mad since they first got to the hotel.


Hana was about to take off her shirt when the bathroom door opened, revealing gaara with a towel in hand.

"G-Gaara! What are you doing in the bathroom??"

"I wanted to shower too."

"B-But, umm.."

"We've seen each other naked before mi amor. Wouldn't it be more convenient to shower together?"

Hana blushed profusely at what he was going to do. She nodded before turning her back to him while stripping, still embarassed of undressing in front of him. Gaara smiled at her antics as he took off his vest and undressed as well. They could feel the clothes literally being peeled off from how much they've sweat and had dirt and grime on them. Hana was the first to hop in the shower, but not before using her tail to try to cover up a little. Her face was as red as her tail as she walked to the tub. She quickly closed the curtain behind her. Gaara's smile grew at seeing her act so cute. He finished undressing before opening the curtain. She let out a little squeak at seeing him so close to her; so handsome, so mesmerizing, so.....naked. She let out a small squeak as turned away from him to shower, still embarassed of their position.

He moved closer to her, his chest against her back as he gently grabbed her wrist to kiss her hand. "I've missed you." She let out a small gasp before blushing. His lips felt so warm. She slowly turned to face him, her blush clearly noticeable as did her best to not look down and see his.... you know.

"I missed you too mi amor." She said breathlessly. Just looking at his seafoam grean eyes took her breath away. His face was so soft as he watched her, so fond of his beloved. He moved his hand away from her wrist as he lifted her chin to meet him in a soft kiss. Hana's hand instinctively went to his chest as he deepened the kiss, his tongue swiping by her lips, asking for permission. She obliged and his tongue entered her wet cavern slowly. Nothing was rushed. The kiss was slow and deliberate. He wrapped an arm around her waist to pull her closer to him. She snaked her hand to his hair. Gently running her fingers through it. Soft moans could be heard as they felt nothing but pure bliss from that moment.

They eventually broke the kiss to breathe, both panting for air as they watched each other, their eyes never leaving the other. Hana grabbed the soap and gingerly began to wash Gaara's chest. She kissed his arms before washing them as well. Gaara blushed a bit from watching her be so loving and tending to his needs. He relaxed in her touch as she rubbed every part of his body. After finishing his back she grabbed the lemon scented shampoo and started to wash his hair. Feeling her soft fingers dive and stimulate his scalp sent him into a frenzy. He closed his eyes and laid his head back to let her finish her ministrations. As she washed it off for him, he grabbed the soap to return the favor. He was careful of her cuts, careful not to hurt her. His touch was gentle on Hana, as if she were made of glass. His ministration were soft and sweet, even massaging her shoulders while he washed her back. He washed her hair, feeling her lean into his touch made him happy; his heart skipping a beat at seeing her so relaxed. Eventually, he was only left with washing her chest. He had her lean back on his chest as he started to wash her. He rubbed the soap on her stomach before rising a little higher, until he reached her breasts. He gulped before placing his hands on the mounds, softly kneading them. Hana moaned a little, loving how gentle he was being with her. He kissed her neck as he returned to kneading her breasts, his index fingers occassionally rubbing her nipples. Hana was blushing as she let out another soft moan, the feeling so good she never wanted him to stop.

"Please Gaara, please it feels so good." She whispered, her blushing growing for saying it out loud. Gaara continued to kiss and suck on her neck as one of his hands slowly crept down to her folds. He lightly pressed his finger on her clit before rubbing it in slow circles. Hana's breath quickened as she let out another moan, her mouth open as she stayed at Gaara's mercy. Not that she minded anyways. She felt a pressure build in her as her legs began to quiver. She moaned his name his kisses became rougher on her body, his fingers now teasing her nipple while her other hand dipped into her folds to gather the wetness on his finger before going back to rubbing circles on her clit. She was going insane from the pleasure. All of a sudden, they both stopped. They could smell each other's arousal. And the pills restraining their heat just wore off.

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