Chapter Sixteen

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Soon after a couple of rounds of shogi and heckling each other over their strategies of the game, it was time to head out. The groomsmen made their way to the church while chit chatting and cracking jokes at the groom himself, followed by his melodious "what a drag" remarks. Once they reached the church he stopped by door.

"C'mon Shika open the door." Said Choji while hiding his chips in his suit.

".... I'm getting married today guys."

"Congrats Shika you know what day it is." Said Kankuro sarcastically.

Shikamaru put his hand on the door handle of the church, smiled to himself, and said  quietly "I've been waiting for this day ever since I met Temari."

He pulled open the door and walked in, tall and proud of who he was going to be. Not just a husband, but a husband to his beloved Temari. Who made his worst moments float away into the sky like the clouds he watches everyday. She's his everything, and he'd make it known to the world today.

He walked to the altar, greeted the priest and the family before taking his place right at the altar.

However at the house....

"TEMARI IT'S TIME!" Yelled one of her bridesmaids as they all started heading out to the church.

"I'M COMING!!" She yelled as Hana finished putting on her blush.

"Alright you're good to go Temari."

"Thanks Hana, c'mon let's head out."

As they both made their way downstairs and out the door they were surprised to see Baki sensei waiting. With an ornate carriage lead by four horses with intricate reins of white and gold.

"B-baki sensei-"

"Just call it my wedding present. Now come on we should get going."

Temari squealed before dragging Hana and her maid of honor, Mei, to the carriage. Baki sensei soon after went up with the driver and they all headed to the church.

Once there the maid of honor and Hana quickly made their way into the church while Temari and Baki sensei waited outside.

"Once the music starts we head in right?" Asked Baki sensei.

"Pretty much."

"You seem worried."

"No not worried, just nervous."

"About what? That the kid won't be a good man later on? Or he won't be a good dad? It'll be alright. Life can be unexpected in the best way kid. Whatever happens, it's for the best. It may be exactly what you had hoped, and sometimes it might not be. But that doesn't mean it'll be a bad thing. We can't control life, but we can enjoy it. I think you two will get what you're hoping for though, so don't fret. That's what you were worried about right?'

" I was just nervous that I might trip on my way to the altar."

"Nervous that you-?" And Baki sensei bursted into a fit of laughter. "Don't worry I'll make sure you don't trip." He finished as he wiped the tears of his eyes from laughing so hard.

(A/N: Now would be a good time to press play to the video)

As if on cue they could hear the music start. They straightened themselves and waited for the ushers to open the door for them. On cue the men opened the double doors for them and she could see Shikamaru's speechless face.

Kami she's beautiful.

Shikamaru was at a loss for words when he saw her. He could see her shoulders from the strapless gown and how she tried to stay calm in such a large crowd. He could see her eyes sparkle as they locked on his. He could see her hands tremble as she held the bouquet and how she-

He had to stop to realize he started to cry. He wiped his eyes and Temari met him at the altar. He looked up and saw that she was tearing up herself.

"I thought it was just me." She said with a small laugh.

They held hands as the priest began the ceremony that would bind them together forever.

"Now do the bride and groom have vows they wish to share?" They nodded their heads as the priest gave the mic to Temari.

"I may have to cheat a little." She said as she pulled the paper from her bra. It caused a few giggles but nonetheless everyone was intrigued.

"Shika, the first day I met you I thought 'who's this kid and his pineapple hair?'"  The crowd went into a fit of laughter followed by Naruto yelling "SOMEONE FINALLY SAID IT!"

"Anywho, as time went on I began to see you as someone other than a strategist and a lazy bum like I used to think you were." Shikamaru face palmed and the groomsmen were trying to hold in their laughter that most of them were red.

"I began to see a man who would do anything and everything for his comrades and friends. I saw a man who took the burden of being responsible for missions day in and day out. I saw a man who would rather lose a week of sleep than let someone sleep on the floor. I saw, I saw a man of honor and integrity. I began to see that the more time I spent with him, the more human I became. No longer was I only thinking of the mission, I thought of my comrades. No longer did I think to train all day, instead I spent it with him, watching the clouds and thinking of dreams. I started to train not to get stronger to be a good kunoinchi, but to be stronger to protect my friends. He made me live again, and that is something I will always thank you for. I love you Shikamaru." Shikamaru blushed and looked down as the crowd began to applaud and coo at their cuteness. Temari passed him the mic and he said more to himself "I don't know how I'll top that." The crowd laughed at his remark and he soon cleared his throat to grab their attention.

What came out of his mouth next was not a speech, but a poem.

The crowd was left speechless. Unbeknownst to all, he had been secretly practicing poetry and creative writing.

"If I thought for just one moment that this would be my last breath,
I'd tell you I'll love you forever, even beyond death.

If I thought for just one  moment that your face would be the last I'd see, 
I'd take a million pictures and save them just for me.

If I thought for just one moment that your voice would be the last I'd hear,
I'd listen attentively and promise not to shed a tear.

If I thought for just one moment that your touch would be the last I'd feel, 
I'd embrace you and know that this has all been real.

If I thought for just one moment that my heart would beat its last beat, 
I'd thank Kami for allowing us to meet."

Temari let her tears fall as the crowd began to cheer and applaud Shikamaru for his magnificent skill in making Temari swoon. She covered her mouth with one hand while holding Shikamaru's hand with the other.

"I love you Temari."

"I love you too Shikamaru."

"And I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride."

Shikamaru cupped her cheek before she lunged herself at him and kissed him strongly. He smiled midway in the kiss and wrapped his arm around her waist. The crowd cheered and stood while clapping.

When the bride and groom head outside, everyone was already outside and had the rice in their hands. They tossed the rice up in the air towards the couple as they made their way to the carriage.

Soon off everyone made their way to the reception and the party started. Lights were flashing, drinks were being passed around, and the dancefloor were full of leaf and sand shinobi. Hana and Gaara were sitting at a table just chatting with Kankuro when Hana saw Daisuke in the corner of her eye. She nudged Kankuro while Gaara was watching the couple dance, pointed at Daisuke's direction and mouthed "go on".

Kankuro blushed and shook his head. Gaara simply kicked him under the table and said "now's not the time to be timid. Go on."

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