Chapter Nineteen

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Hana POV:

Oh. My. God. So, when mom told Gaara and I about the whole attempting to mate thing, I didn't believe it.

Well....she was right DEAR KAMI!

In the bedroom my love held on to my waist as my arms rested on his shoulders. His eyes were full of lust and immediately I could smell his intoxicating scent of cinnamon and spice fill the room. I want to bathe in his scent dear Kami.

He pulls me closer to him and growls before kissing and sucking on my neck.

"Nnngh, G-Gaara..."

"You're mine, mine." He said before biting down on my shoulder. I yelped in pain before letting out a moan and submitting to him. I clawed his back as he pulled me closer to his body.  He pulled off my shirt and took off his before looming over me on the bed.

"You won't be needing these." He said before stripping me of everything. I gazed at him before pulling him closer to me to kiss me. His eyes wandered on my body before he growled "Kami you're beautiful."

He quickly stripped and I saw his member red and hard. I felt my legs tremble in anticipation as he placed his hands on my thighs and spread them open.

"G-G-Gaara, what are-"

"You're so wet Hana. You're craving this aren't you?"
All I could do was mewl in approval as he rubbed the insides of my thighs. I yelped and moaned in surprise when he inserted two fingers in me.

"Gahh! Mmm Gaara!!" He started to move his fingers faster and faster until I arched my back and moaned loudly to him.

"You're​ so unbelievably sexy Hana. You don't know what you're doing to me."

"GAARA P-Please I-I'm gonna- AHH!!" I felt my legs jolt and my eyes squeeze shut as I came on his hand. He licked his hand before kissing me and gripping my ass. Then without warning he shoved his c-

AND THEN I WOKE UP. I am severely turned on. And it's not even 5am. Gaara is still fast asleep and my underwear is completely soaked. I slowly slip out of bed and head to the bathroom to "clean up" down there and calm down before going back to sleep.

Gaara POV:

Oh my goodness. I smelled the most tantalizing scent and it came from Hana. It was a smell of vanilla and mangoes mixed together and it made my loins burn with a passion.  And to make matters worse she must have had an erotic dream because I heard her moan and that sound is like an angel orgasming. I think I've had an erection for over an hour now.  Kami she's amazing.

When she came out of the bathroom I quickly sat up and put on baggy pants to hide it.

"Good morning honey. What are you doing up so early?"

"Mmm nothing just had to pee." I said before rushing to the restroom. I hurriedly took off my pants before I came. Kami what is happening to me?!

Hana POV:

Oh my gosh he ran passed me and I could smell the cinnamon. Gosh. I-I should get to work.

"Hey love?" I asked Gaara

"Yes?" I heard from the other side of the door.

"I'm gonna start on breakfast okay?"

I quickly get dressed and start on the bacon and eggs. As I finish making the dough for biscuits I hear footsteps and turn to see my wonderful Kazekage in his regular attire. I smiled and balled up the dough into small pieces before putting them in the oven and putting the sizzling bacon and eggs on a plate.

"Breakfast is-" as soon as I said 'breakfast' Kankuro swooped in and took half the bacon and ran back to his room. Well damn. I sigh and put more bacon on the stove.

After a while I set the food on the table and called down the rest of the gang.
"Guys! Breakfast!"

And one by one they came downstairs and like a family we all sat down and had our meal before we all had to leave for work.

"I'll miss you my love." I said as I caressed his cheek.

"I'll miss you too my rose." He whispered before kissing my cheek.

As soon as I left I felt this yearning and dear Kami I felt hot. I mean I know I live in the desert but gosh I mean between my legs. This whole mating thing is tougher than I thought....

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