Chapter Fourteen

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Kankuro waited by the wall as instructed and kept an eye on the clock as he started counting the pairs of eyes looking his way.

"Four, five...six." he mumbled as time ticked by. Daisuke waited in the bathroom, excited because he knew that Kankuro was very, very attractive. This would surely give him a boost in confidence. He could easily assume fifteen guys' eyes won't help but wander to see Kankuro in a tight shirt.

'He looks yummy'

"Wait what?" Daisuke said out loud. Nonono this shouldn't be happening. That's a big no-no.

'Hands off the merchandise you perv.'

He kept scolding himself internally on the twenty reasons why Kankuro was not to be his, when he heard "23"

"Hmm?" He looked up and welcomed the sight of Kankuro's shaggy brown hair being tousled by his hand. He couldn't help but take a peek at his abdomen. 'God that's a good look.'

"23 in total."

"Oh, that's great!" He said loudly as raised his arms in excitement. "Guess you really are a looker huh?"

"I guess, that was weird though."

"You're weird. Obviously if you had those many people looking at you it's because you're hot."

"You think so?"

"Well yeah I mean...yeah you're cute. You're just fishing for compliments today aren't you?" He said with a laugh. "C'mon, let's go to phase two."

"What do you mean phase two? I thought that was it."

"Nah, it's just to warm you up. I'll show you how it's done with my cute baby face and then you can try out some strategies for stronger looking guys like you."


"I'm glad you're so enthusiastic about this. Now c'mon." Daisuke walked ahead of Kankuro as they headed to a little spot in a corner close to a window.

"Alright, I'm gonna play my shy boy tactic and then tell me what you think."


"Alrighty, wish me luck!"

Daisuke walked up to a man close to his early thirties who was seated by himself. The man was a bit taller than him and began to grow a small beard. He was looking around the room and licked his lips the moment his eyes caught Daisuke's.

"Hello, um, I was wondering if-" He said softly before the man said "if someone else was with me? Not at all take a seat."

"Thank you. I'm not really good at this, but um, I uh.... I saw you across the room and I th-think... I think  y-you're r-really a-a-attractive sir." The man laughed lightly before saying "To be honest the only reason I didn't come up to you is because you're friend over there looked like he'd be your boyfriend."

"Oh, Yuuta-san? No, no we work together and I didn't want to come alone." The man smirked widely before leaning across the table and whispering "I'll make you cum little one." Daisuke was disgusted but kept his role and blushed madly while letting out a gasp. 

"If you ever want a good time, here's my number. My name's Renji by the way. What's yours?"

"K-kenji, Renji-san." Renji patted Daisuke's head before leaving. Daisuke slumped in his seat before getting up to throw away the napkin which had the pervert's phone number and making his way back to Kankuro.

"And that's how you boost someone's self-esteem." said Daisuke as he plopped in his seat and waited for Kankuro's reaction.

Kankuro's POV:

THAT FREAK WAS A PERVERT! Why the hell did he whisper in his ear huh?! Was he TRYING to piss me off?! 'Cause it's working! Geez what's his deal just acting all macho and perverted with him like he's a prostitute? He's a good guy doing me a favor and gets manhandled by a dick!

"Kanky you look pissed. Did something happen while I was gone?"

"No. Why did you act shy like that? He seemed like an ass."

"Oh trust me he is, but he was an easy target to 'make me swoon' AKA fall for my looks, so I went to him. Did you want to me just do it casually?"

"....That'd be better."

"Alright, let me scope out the area..." said Daisuke as he looked around cutely. Cutely? Fuck me. Wait no fuck him. I mean- fuck it never mind.

"Found a group. They're playing without being cautious so someone's bound to spill a drink." He picked up some napkins and walked by the group. As he was passing by he heard one yelp and say "Damn it!" He swiftly made a U-turn and saw one guy with spilled coffee on his shirt. Ouch that's gotta hurt. After a bit I couldn't hear anything so I switched to another spot. And another. And then I sat behind them.

"Thanks for the napkins man, you're a life saver." Said the dumbass who caused the drink to spill.

"No problem." said Daisuke with his signature smile. What's weird is that it's not even forced, it just comes out naturally. I haven't smiled in a while because of a guy, and here I am, looking like a big old goof just smiling at Daisuke while he exchanges numbers with- HE'S EXCHANGING NUMBERS???

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