Chapter Five

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Third Person POV:

It was a bright morning, the sun beating down on all the villagers as they went about their day. One in particular was beginning to feel a little odd.

Hana couldn't go five minutes without feeling an odd sensation on the back of her neck. At times it would tingle and at times it would itch. She still diligently and almost religiously finished decorating the cupcakes placing them behind the display counter. As she was heading back into the kitchen she heard the front doorbell ring. She turned and saw her close friend.

"Akihiro!" She rejoiced as she jumped at him for a hug.

"Hey Hana! Hold the fort down while I was gone?" He said with a laugh, the small baker still in his arms.

"Yup. And guess what? I'm gonna be making a wedding cake for Miss Temari!"

"That's amazing! Oh, and our mission was  a success! We got our men back safe and sound."

"That's good to hear." She said with a smile. "Now go put on your apron you're back on duty."

"But I just got back." He whined, later dragging his feet to the kitchen.

"Well if it helps, Chiharu's here." She said in a sing songy voice, causing Akihiro to stand upright and smile. 

"Well I can't keep her waiting now can I?" He said slyly before waltzing in with his apron now on. Hana could only laugh before getting back to work. It felt nice to have the gang back together.

Hana was concentrating on finishing the flowers for the wedding cake before going back to decorating and baking other treats. Even with a line of customers waiting outside, with the four of them together, they made all of their customers happy and had another good day.

"Man that was quite a rush hour." Said Daisuke as he sat down for a break.

"Yeah, My fingers hurt from typing in the orders all day." Said Chiharu as she tried to massage her hands.

"Don't worry Chiharu." Began Hana. "I'll put a hiring sign so we can get another cashier to work with you, instead of us running back and forth between there and the kitchen.

"Thanks, this place could use a couple more workers."

"Yeah, this place could use a lot of things." Added Hana as she sat down and stretched her arms. She also took a moment to scratch behind her neck, the itch not going away. 

Suddenly the bell on the door chimed signalling another customer.

"Well, time for work." Hana sighed as she got up to greet the customer.

"Welcome to 'The Lonely Rose' how can I- Kazekage-sama!" She said in surprise, the itch in the back of her neck growing. 

"Hello Hana. Temari was hoping you could help her in creating the guest list and seating arrangements today."

"Oh, I'm honored that she trusts me so, but I'm afraid-"

"Go on out Hana." Said Chiharu as she leaned on the counter.

"But I already took off early yesterday. I can't burden you guys like that."

"Look we got Akihiro today. He's your apprentice so he knows basic decorating for the desserts. We'll be fine Hana. Go have some fun for once."

"Yeah!" Daisuke added, popping his head out from the kitchen. Hana let out a laugh and said "Okay okay I'm going." She headed to her office and grabbed her raccoon backpack before facing the Kazekage.

"Are you ready Hana?" He asked.

"Yes Kazekage-sama." He scratched his back and said:

"You can.... just call me Gaara." He said as he headed out with her.

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