Chapter Seven

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Gaara POV:

I feel so warm inside, having Hana next to me all curled up in a ball. I feel so at peace; no longer worrying about the paperwork that's waiting for me at the office or all the decision making for the village. All I need is to see Hana content and that's enough for me. I guess I really am in love.

After a while of sleeping I slowly start waking up, the delicious aroma of food coming from the kitchen. I sigh as I turn over to wake up Hana by the shoulders when I notice: I'm not touching her shoulder. And whatever I'm touching isn't furry. With my eyes still closed from being tired, I lightly squeeze it to guess what it is. It's firm yet soft, and in the center is a-oh Kami. I sit up rapidly, realizing what I just grabbed. Hana's breast. My face is as red as my hair as she starts to wake up.

"Hi Gaara." She said sleepily as she rubbed her eyes.

"H-hello." I said, not daring to look to at her.

"What's the matter?" She asked, sincerely confused. I just keep looking away while pointing at her.

"What do you-Kami-sama!" She yelled as she quickly wrapped herself in the blanket like a burrito.

"I guess I shifted in my sleep. I-I'm really s-sorry." She said embarrassed of the predicament.

"I-it's alright." I said, still not wanting to look at her.

"I should probably get changed."

"Yeah. I'll be downstairs." I said before putting on my vest and leaving the room. I calmed myself down from what happened, making sure I wasn't blushing before entering the kitchen.

"Hello Kazekage-sama!" Chirped Hana's mother as she was draining the water out from a pot of noodles.

"Hello, do you need any help?" SHe looked at me a little shocked before answering.

"Sure!" She said with a closed eye smile. "Can you make lemonade?" I nodded before looking around the kitchen to find the materials.

Third Person POV:

Hana quickly dressed in a turquoise tank top and a brown long skirt that reached her ankles. Afterward she headed downstairs to help her mother with dinner, only to see Gaara already there.

"Oh, hi Gaara! Thank you for helping my mom."

"It's no problem." He said, his smile barely noticeable as he finished stirring the lemonade. Gaara was happy to see that her parents were very accepting of him. He was even feeling joy when Hana's mother called him son as if....she was his mother. Long ago he learned to let go of his anger to avenge his mother, yet he still wished to have one. To understand the lifestyle one has with a mother. For him the only thing close to a mother figure was Temari. Of course no one can replace his mother; but the action of simply helping Hana's mother made him feel like a hole in his heart was being filled.

"Dinner is ready!" Yelled Hana's mother.

"So is the lemonade." Gaara added quietly. He carried the jug to the table and was surprised to see two extra plates on the table.

"Who will be joining us?" Asked Gaara to Hana.

"Oh that's right! You haven't met my siblings!" She says in shock.

"You have siblings?"

"Yup, two little squirts named-"

"Haku! Yuki! Dinner!" Yelled Hana's mother."

"Yeah that's their names." Added Hana with a laugh. Soon enough one sees two children trying to use the staircase. One is a little girl with black hair and brown eyes who is approximately five years old. She's slowly going down putting both feet on each step she goes down. The other is a boy with brown hair and green eyes, who uses the railing as a quicker way of getting down. He looks about seven years old. The little girl hides behind her brother when she notices Gaara.

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