Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Gaara POV:

As we ran in the direction of their village, I felt a pull on my mark. It was of fear and anger. I felt guilt for not being there for Hana. If she had just spent the night this probably wouldn't have happened. I felt the pull again, but it much stronger. It was pulling me west. That can't be right. We went on for another minute before the pull physically pulled me westward. I stumbled for a moment before feeling fear again. This time I was worried. 

"Mr. Aozora, can the mark force you in a direction?"

"Yes, is it happening to you?"

"Yes, she's been taken to the West."

"The west? He must have reinforcements there. Let's go."

We rushed over and started running as fast as we could. I need to find Hana before they reach her village. Knowing how prideful they are, they won't give her up without a fight. I lead the squad as I feel the mark becoming more sensitive. I need to find her.

"Fuck!" I turn my head and see Kankuro hunched over in pain. I stop to look at him and see a kunai embedded in his side.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Looks like they didn't want to be found so easily." Said Kankuro. He threw a stone in another direction and sure enough a kunai went flying, hitting the stone head on.

"Sora must have brought a strategist, someone quick with traps. We'll have to tread carefully."

"There's no time." I said agitated as I threw my sand against the trees. I triggered all of the remaining traps and saw several kunai and senbons fly across the forest.

"You idiot! They know we're on their tail now Gaara!" Oh yeah.

"Gaara," said Hana's father as he put his hand on my shoulder. "These men have my daughter. we have to think clearly if we intend on catching them. We should rest for now, Kankuro is in no state to keep running. I'll bandage him up and you keep watch okay?" I slumped my shoulders in defeat. I nodded and just watched in Hana's direction. I could feel the strength of the mark fading, meaning she was getting further away. I need to find her. I need her back in my arms where she belongs. She is mine and I am all hers. Kami-Sama, why must you always find a way to punish me?

"All done." said Mr. Aozora before he went to sit next to me. 

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to keep moving and-"

"I get it Gaara. A long time ago my people tried to kill my wife. Just because she was an outsider. I was so angry and blinded by my rage that I almost hurt her as well. But I calmed down to think, and that's how she and I escaped. I never thought after all this time they would still try to track us. I'm getting too old to hide my tracks well. And now for my carelessness they have Hana."

"I'm sorry."

"What's done is done, no need to apologize for the past. We just need to fix Kankuro up and rest for a few hours before we start up again."

"I understand." I noticed he seemed a little uneasy before he kept talking.

"Gaara, I know this isn't the best time to tell you, but you should know why they chose now to grab her."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, it seems like they've known about our location only recently. Had they had more time it would be harder for us to track them. But it's because you and Hana mated halfway."

"Halfway?" Not to toot my own horn but I'm pretty sure I mated with her for days.

"If during the first mating the woman doesn't get pregnant, a second heat will come along soon after. That's why they took her so soon Gaara."

"You mean-"

"If we don't get to her soon she'll be bound to Sora forever, and you won't be her mate anymore. She'll be raped until he becomes her mate." My eyes widened as I started to breathe heavily. That bastard. I'll kill him. I'll kill them all!!!

"I'm going to kill that bastard if he lays a finger on her." I said before clenching my fists. "Damn it, damn it all if she had just stayed with me-"

"But she didn't Gaara alright?!" I stopped and looked at Aozora who spoke. "I understand your anger but we need to remain calm. If they get too far from us it's game over. We have to relax and think of a plan."

"Fuck the plan! I'm going on ahead." I said before Kankuro tackled me to the ground.

"No the fuck you're not brother. You understand that you are all she has right? No offense Mr. Aozora but if these guys are and smart and strong as he says they are and can camouflage themselves into any animal then you need to remember that you are the only surprise we have. They know his village's fighting style so Aozora won't be much of a surprise. My puppets can only handle one or two opponents at most. We have three and we need to protect Hana. DO YOU SEE THE BIG PICTURE YET?! One wrong move and Hana is gone. Prioritize her instead of your anger Gaara." I froze at my brother's words. I felt ashamed. Since when did he get so smart? I sat up from the ground and nodded in his direction.

"If they can't have Hana they will try to kill her before letting her have a child with another man Gaara. We have to be extremely careful."

"I understand." I felt so angry at my helplessness. I don't want to wait. I need Hana. And she needs me while I'm just sitting here on my ass like a stubborn child. "So what's the plan?"

"I'm glad you asked." Started Aozora. "Sora comes from the Furutani family, one of the noble clans in our village. They mostly focused on the feline family, making them best in stealthy attacks. We'll have to tread lightly, especially if he's the best warrior of the village. As for the strategist they must have learned the anatomy of the animals they visited on their trip, making them more skilled in different techniques. As far as I can tell from the marks they went on horse, which could just be other men to keep up the pace. I can fly high above to see in which direction they're headed while you both follow behind. I'll go as high as I can to not draw suspicion. As soon as I find them I'll fall back and tell you what I saw."

"Sounds like a plan." Said Kankuro as he rubbed some salve on his wound.

I just hope Hana will be safe till then.

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