Chapter Thirty-Three

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      As Hiniku's wounds were tended to, Hana laid down reluctantly. She was still to weak too go a far distance, and due to her still being in heat she can't transform into anything useful for the group. Meanwhile the men were searching the bodies for weapons and supplies, tending to Hiniku, and using the stars to guide themselves in figuring where they were. Hana quickly realized how ill prepared she was for all of this. They were all ninjas, trained not just to fight, but to survive. They were trained to survive any sort of devastation. And here she couldn't even tell what nation they were in. She sighed as she used a jutsu from her mother's clan to create some herbs to mash for her wounds. She wasn't prepared to work on large wounds like Hiniku's, but she at least knew which herbs were good to stop infections and heal the wounds. She made an extra handful of herbs in case anyone needed any.

She stood up and walked over to Kankuro and her father and handed them the herbs to help Hiniku. Gaara Told the men to watch over Hana whilehe goes to pay a visit to the inn where the clan was supposed to take Hana. If the men left, maybe they could all grab a room there tonight. 

The men nodded as he sped off. He ran from branch to branch trying to make haste. He shook his head, remembering Hana's reaction at seeing the bodies. How could she not freak out over seeing that for the first time? He didn't even notice how she would turn away from the bodies, uneasy and uncomfortable. He let out a loud sigh in frustration. At least this way she can rest easy at the inn instead. There she can rest, heal, and not have to think about anything bad ever again. He vowed to never have her feel that way again. He would try to be more understanding to her inexperience on missions. After all she is a civilian, she isn't supposed to see these things. And hopefully she'll never see it again.

He stood in front of the inn, the sign barely noticeable with the dim light hanging next to it. He made sure there were no traps before walking in. He spoke with the woman behind the desk. She looked absolutely terrified. So she knows the bandits are here too.

"G-good evening, young traveller, how are y-you this evening?" She slid him a small note that had Help me scibbled on it. 

"I'm fine thank you. Would you remind me what my room number is?" Gaara asked calmly with his hand out. She hesitated before giving him the extra key to the room where the bandits were hiding. "Thank you madam, have a pleasant evening." He strolled away, slowly looking at the numbers on the doors. The numbers slowly start to get larger. 22, 23, 24, 25....






Gaara smiled softly, his inner demons relishing in this moment. This time, he wouldn't give them the mercy of a quick death. No, he was going to enjoy this. He was going to take his time. He was going to make sure that no one would be left alive..... There will be blood, and it's going to look absolutely beautiful when it's painted on those walls.

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