Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Hana POV:

In this world one typically imagines that at this point there'd be some miracle and everyone gets their just deserved. The good win their happily ever after and the wicked receive their punishments. However, this isn't a fairytale. In life, the wicked and cruel reign victorious. While the happy are feeble and delusioned. I had to learn the hard way. 

"Quick, we don't have much time..." The boy whispered as he took a chakra pill from another's bag. 

"Got it." I said as I turned the key to take off the chains. I took one of the guy's bags before heading towards the boy.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"Don't say that so soon." He mumbled as I approached him. 

"By the way" I whispered as we started walking away "What's your name?"

"It's Hiniku, the ironically weak son from a strong and noble family." Said Sora as he rose. I gasped as the rest of the men were rising from their slumbers as well. "Did you really think I'd let you leave so easily? As for you brother, you're a disgrace to the family. At least I have a reason now to kill you." Hiniku gasped, terrified of his brother and his doomed fate.

"You're a shitty brother, and REAL SHITTY HUMAN BEING!" I screamed before using an old jutsu from my mother's family. I slammed my hand to the ground and I covered the men in wolfsbane. And yes they aren't werewolves but all parts of the plants have aconitine which can cause numbness and cardiac irregularity if touched. And if ingested, it can cause disable the nerves and even cause cardiac arrest. So I bathed those fuckers in Wolfsbane. I had the plants sprout from under the men and tie them up before slowly climbing up to their faces and a few even entered the mouths. Those will be dead in an hour. I took that chance and started running with Hiniku when I felt my ankle be yanked from under me. I fall face first and hear Sora laughing. Son of a bitch. He's fallen on the ground, probably from the wolfsbane deactivating his nerves to the point where he won't be able to move much.

"You really think some plants are gonna stop me?"

"Nope, but it'll fuck you up." I said as I kicked him in the face. He gasped, letting more wolfsbane enter his mouth. I took my chance and bolted with Hiniku. I could hear some snapping of plants, meaning a few guys still haven't felt the effect kick in yet. "Hiniku just shift into a cheetah and outrun them. Find Gaara he can help.

"I'm not going to run away."

"I'm not telling you that! Just-" And before I could finish a kunai had landed deep into his back. I stopped as he fell to the ground, the blade close to his spine. "Hiniku.." I said as I dropped to my knees.

"Go....they're getting closer Hana, just run." I shook my head and surrounded us in a thick brush to buy us some time. He betrayed family for me, and so he can have a chance at a happy life. I can't just leave him for dead.


"Just go, I'll be alright. my death would be in vain if they catch you too." I bit my lip, trying my hardest not to cry. I nodded and wiped away the tears that started to fall as I stood up. I bowed to him and said.

"Thank you for your sacrifice, I'll never forget you." Before teleporting away. I reappeared in a branch a mile away and broke into a run. I hid my presence as much as I could and kept running, Praying to Kami-sama that I could shift. But I couldn't. I just kept running in the direction I felt my mark pull me to. Gaara. Please be close Gaara. Please-

I felt something stab my leg, causing me to stumble off the branch and onto the ground. I winced and groaned at the impact before noticing the kunai jabbed in my calf. Damn it. I yanked it out and hid in the bushes. I made a quick sign to grow some herbs so I can mash them and apply it to the wound. As the stem grows and branches out it produces a few leaves. Enough for me to take a few and rub them together. As I'm about to rub it on my wound I hear footsteps. The gentle crunch of the feet stepping on the grass is enough for me to freeze in place. I sit there watching the feet walk past my position, trying to hold my breath. Once they pass, I let out a small sigh of relief. As I'm about to crawl out I feel a hand grab me by my hair and pull me out of the bushes.

"You think that was even close enough to fool us bitch?! You thought I couldn't see the trail of blood huh?!" Sora yelled as he kicked me around the grass. My body was aching from just a few of his kicks, not to mention the deep cut on my leg. How did he even escape the wolfsbane? I saw it go in his mouth it should have left him paralyzed.

"The wolfsbane was pretty smart, but I guess you didn't know the aconitine is a common poison you can get, which is why I had learned to become immune to it." Oh fuck.

"I'm getting you to that damn post and that's where I'm gonna make you my mate. I was going to wait till we got to the village, but you seem eager for it huh?"

Please help me Gaara...

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