Chapter Thirty-Eight

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After an hour they finished breakfast, kankuro was slightly traumatised at what Gaara explained to him, and Hiniku was back to his normal self while wearing a loose shirt and pants. Hana had applied the cream to her dad a while back and he was thankfully feeling better.

They checked out of the inn and started to walk back.

"Guess it'll take about 4 days back to Suna?" Questioned Kankuro as they continued.

"Nope." Smiled Hana as they approached the woods.

"Well what do you have in mind?" He asked as they went further into the woods.

She shrugged as she said "My kekkei genkai." Gaara looked over at her, interested in what she had planned.

"The one that you guys said you can even turn into mythological creatures?!"

"That's the one!" She said with a closed eye smile.

Aozora smiled a little. "You haven't gotten to use that form in a while haven't you Hana?" Knowing what was going to happen.

"It's hard to find time to escape to the desert. I don't wanna scare anybody in the village you know?" He laughed, remembering how his kekkei genkai scares off so many opponents on missions.

"Well then, it's about time you showed them." He added. You nodded as they reached a small clearing.

"This should be a good spot." You said before dropping your bag. The men followed and dropped their things, two of them unaware of what was to happen. You stretched a bit before slamming your hand to the ground, feeling the chakra spread around your body as you said "Beast form: Dragon shift."

"Did she say draGONNNNNN!!!!" Screamed Kankuro as he watched her transform. Scales began to cover her body as she grew. And grew. And grew some more. A crack could be heard as wings began to form on her back and spread wide, making the guys run further back to give her room. She took up most of the small clearing when she finished. She was a white dragon, her tail was wrapping around a tree and she stretched her wings and shook her head, getting used to being in this form.

"Wonderful! It's just as good as last time!" Said Aozora, secretly happy he doesn't have to do any running- he truly was exhausted from carrying that damn cat. He hopped on with his bag and held on to one of the spikes on her back that was in front of him. Her spikes were conveniently spaced out so they could be used as handles. She didn't come with seatbelts unfortunately.

Gaara walked in front of her, in awe of her transformation. "You're beautiful Hana." She blushed a little before he used his sand to fly up to her face and kiss her snout. She closed her eyes as her wings opened and closed, making gusts of wind around them.

"Alright we get it lovebirds now come on Gaara! Let's head home already." Said Kankuro as he was also excited to see his little troublemaker of a boyfriend. He hauled his bag up as he held on to the spike in front of him, pretty worried as to how safe this actually was. Hiniku sat behind him and Gaara sat behind Hiniku, leaving Mr. Aozora in front and happy. Hana flapped her wings a few times before the got off the ground a bit, slowly rising high up to the clouds.

The men looked out in awe at the view. They could fly through clouds, huge buildings looked like tiny squares, and they could see the forest for miles. They were right too. This was much faster, and they'd be home by nightfall, given how fast she was flying.

"I can't wait to be home." Said Aozora.

"I can't wait to see my boyfriend." Said Kankuro longingly.

"Y-you have a boyfriend?" Asked Hiniku. His village is very old fashioned and backwards, so a man saying his mate was a man was taboo.

"Yeah, you got a problem with gay people?!" Retorted Kankuro. If Daisuke taught him one thing, it's to have pride in who you are. And he worked too damn hard for a scrawny kid to try and say something bad about him.

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