Chapter Twenty-one

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Gaara's POV:

We take my cloud of sand to go to my home. Temari is still on her honeymoon and Kankuro is on a date. I open the door and carry her bag of clothes in as she steps inside, her tail rubbing against my leg.

Her tail is long and soft like silk. Her hips sway as she walks in, her tail swaying the same way. My eyes just follow the movement of her hips and tail. So erotic-

I gulp loudly as I head in and lock the door behind me.

"Thanks for letting me stay on short notice mi amor." She says, her soft smile making my heart flutter.

"No problem at all. Um.......I um.....what uh...what-"

"Why do I look like I'm cosplaying?"


"Okay um, funny story! So my body, much to my disagreement, decided to propel itself in the direction of mating. So my body is mixed between my animal and me. So ears and tail of a red panda. And this happens so I can uh....look more... attractive, to my mate." She shifts uncomfortably, her ears flat against her head and her tail unmoving.

"Oh. It's working."

"D-DONT SAY THINGS LIKE THAT!" She squealed, her hands flailing and her face as red as my hair. I laugh before setting her bag down by the couch.

"Want to play cards?" I ask.


She sits on the floor in one side of the coffee table as I go to the closet to find some playing cards. I can hear her humming as I grab the cards. When I walk back I see her playing with her tail. 

"Having fun?" She froze and looked at me before tucking her tail away. 

"Yes, it's like my personal fluffy pillow." I smile as I sit down and shuffle the cards.

After a few rounds of speed Hana said she felt a bit hot and tied her hair into its casual ponytail. I could see more of her neck and I started to feel warm myself. Pervert.

We moved on to play BS and she got a glass of water and downed it in a matter of seconds. I was getting worried. It seems like she keeps getting hotter and hotter for some reason. It got to the point where she started to squeeze  her stomach in pain.

"G-gaara... it hurts..."

To my embarrassment I ran to her side...with a boner. And not to toot my own horn but it was quite visible. "What's wrong Hana?!"

"AH! I-I don't know, urgh, it just, hurts..." I hugged her from behind and stroked her hair to help her relax, and surprisingly she did. She fairly soon stopped wincing and her body was no longer tense from the pain.

"What. the fuck. was that?" She asked, justifiably pissed.

"I'm not sure-"

"Oh fuck, fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck-"

"Stop cursing!" I exclaimed, a little shocked to hear so much cursing from her.

"I know what's going on."

Hana POV

"I'm in heat."

I shit you not his face was priceless. His cheeks matched his hair and quietly said 'oh' before setting his kage hat on his lap. If he's going to hide a boner at least do it well. I slowly sat up and turned to face him. If this was going to happen he should be prepared for it.

"I have a question." I made sure to hold his hand, because at this point of my heat if I don't keep physical contact with him I will more than likely pounce on him and do it for a straight three days.

"Yes?" I looked him in the eye to see his pupils dilated and his scent was wafting all over the room. Kami-sama my body is tingling and these hormones are making me imagine so many perverted things.

"Do you....have condoms?" 

"....No.....but Kankuro does." I let out a sigh of relief and walked with him to Kankuro's room to get them. Thankfully he's on a date that I'm sure means he won't be back until tomorrow. As we head to Gaara's room I think about what will happen: 

Gaara pinning me to the bed, his lips bathing me in kisses while his hands torment me so perfectly. I think of how deep his voice is when the ceremony was beginning and how I melted at his touch. 

Looking back at reality I notice my underwear is completely soaked. I looked at Gaara and saw him inhale deeply before looking at me. Oh Kami, he sensed it. His pupils were dilated beyond belief before he twirled me around and kissed me. His tongue hungrily explored my mouth while he was putting a hand up my shirt, groping and sending amazing stimuli to my brain. My mouth hung open as he cornered me in the hallway, his hands exploring my body while my hands were clamped to his robes. His lips trailed kisses and licks to my neck, scenting me as his. The feeling of my mate scenting me as his made me let out a small moan in satisfaction. This fired up Gaara as he pulled me close to him, lifting my legs as he pinned me to the wall and rutted against me.

"Ah! G-gaara...." I moaned, my hands pulling him close as I smashed my lips against him. He growled in satisfaction. His lips attach to my neck again as I get a sensory overload, panting and moaning as I feel his hard member rubbing against my privates. Kami he's large.  

We haven't even made it into the room and my virginity is on the line.... 

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