Chapter Two

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At the Kazekage's home, where the sand siblings are having dinner with Shikamaru, an interesting topic pops up.

"So," Temari began. "We decided that since Shikamaru is leaving on a mission in a couple of weeks that will last half a year, we want to get married before then." Kankuro dropped the dumpling he had in his chopsticks while Gaara simply eyed Shikamaru.

"This is gonna be a drag I just know it is." Said Shikamaru before holding Temari's hand. "But if it'll make you happy then so be it." Temari smiled before kissing his cheek.

"Okay so let me get this straight." said Kankuro. "You guys plan on getting married in less than a month?" The couple nods. "So how do you plan on getting all the crap done for the wedding ceremony and venue?"

"I already have the ceremony covered." added shikamaru before stuffing his face with noodles.

"So all we need is everything else, great." Kankuro added, picking up the dumpling he dropped earlier.

"Well yes, more importantly the venue, dress, and cake. Now the-"

"I know who can make the cake." Gaara interrupted quietly, making Temari focus on him.


"They say 'The Lonely Rose' is good."

"...THAT'S RIGHT OH IT WOULD BE PERFECT!" squealed Temari. "They make the best cakes! Kankuro! Do you remember Mae's wedding?"

"...yeahhh, so?"

"Do you remember that five tiered cake with all those amazing designs that everyone loved?"

"Yeah it was amazing,and tasted so good I took a couple of slices home." said Kankuro with a laugh.

"Well 'The Lonely Rose' made that cake! Oh if they made our cake that would be a dream come true!" she said happily as she held onto Shikamaru's arm.

"Then let's go tomorrow to see if she can make it." said Shikamaru to his beloved.

"Who?" asked Kankuro.

"The owner obviously!" barked Temari. "She usually single-handedly makes those great cakes. No one else in Suna has her talent so she prefers to do it by herself, only asking her assistants for help when it comes to carrying the cake."

"Oh yeah, the lonely rose herself." finished Kankuro.

"The lonely rose herself?" Gaara questioned.

Kankuro looked at him before saying "Well yeah. You see she has this philosophy on love, it's kind of odd really. She says everyone is born in a field as a flower. And basically only two flowers in the entire field are the same kind, so they're soulmates. And she can't manage to find her 'other rose'" He finishes with air quotes.

"She sounds creepy." Added Shikamaru before going back to eating. Temari slapped the chopsticks out of his hand before saying. "Don't be rude. She's done a lot for a young girl. She's only about Gaara's age and she already has the best bakery in all of Suna. And I've heard rumors that there was a time when a bunch of guys would go to her bakery just to go on a date with her. They said she was beautiful and always smiling. But every time she would turn them down. She ended up getting the rep of a heart breaker so eventually guys just avoided her. But she still smiles and goes about her day. And the reputation as a heart breaker didn't even put a dent in the amount of customers who flock in daily."

"Sounds like we have the cake set then." Said Kankuro.

Dinner went on without another word about the wedding. Afterwards they all said their good nights before heading off to their respective rooms.
As Hana was busy decorating the orchid cupcakes, Chiharu bolted in the kitchen.

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