Chapter Twenty

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This. Is. Agony. All I can think of at the bakery is Gaara and that dream. What am I going to do?

"Hana! We need more Sakura loafs!" Yells Chiharu from the cashier. I shake the thoughts from my head and check on the loafs in the oven.

"AAHHH!! IT'S BURNT!" I take them out and let them cool before throwing them away. Damn it! I can't bake like this. I slam my hands in the table before dumping flour into one of the great mixers with the other special ingredients before letting it mix.

"You okay Hana? You've never burnt anything before!" Said Daisuke as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, my head's somewhere else."


"'s a clan thing. You see-"

"Your body is trying to get you to mate?"
I spit out the water I was drinking from how bluntly he said it.

"How did you know?!"

"Please Hana your moans are louder than Kankuro's snoring." I blushed like a red tomato, my ears burning.

"Y-you were there?!"

"Yeah why else did you think Kankuro took all that bacon?"
I facepalm myself. Or course.

"Please don't tell anyone about this. And why were you in Kankuro's room eh?" It was his time to blush.

"None of your business. At least we can keep it down unlike someone I know~" he said slyly before waltzing back out to the front to help customers. Damn they move fast.

At home I panic when I feel the yearning start, so much that my body is malfunctioning like my old mixer at the bakery. I tried to shift into my animal but I could only half transform. I was still me except for my now fluffy red and white ears, my bright shiny red and brown tail, and my whiskers....

I slowly feel these new appendages before screaming bloody murder.

I hear footsteps running and tripping up the steps before my out of breath father walks in, still a bear.

He looks at me before he paused to think. He looks back at my odd complexion and then snorts and calmly trots back downstairs. I sit down in defeat, my tail moving to my legs to keep me warm. Soon enough I hear human footsteps and see my mom.

"Honey? What with-it oh." She tried to hold it in. For like a second! Then she burst out laughing, holding onto the doorframe for dear life as her face was turning red from laughing so hard.
"Oh my goodness sweetie!"

"What is happening?! What is this?! I look like I'm cosplaying!" I yell before running to the mirror, even noticing a natural eyeshadow of a light red orange. I rub it with my finger and see it still there.

"Sweetie, this is what happens when you hold off mating."

"But we've only been dating for a month!"

"I guess your generation moves faster than mine."


"Alright alright. Your body wants to make you look more attractive to your mate by being a mixture of your animal and you."

"Oh..." Poor Haku. Feathers and a beak don't really say 'Lady killer.'

"Yeah, this only happens to the girls though." Saved by a chromosome Haku.

"Oh. So when will this go away?" My mom fold her arms before raising an eyebrow, hinting to me the obvious.

"B-but I can't! That's just not ethical mom!"

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