Chapter Three

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Hana POV:

This can't be happening. This can't, I mean, WHY ME?! I slouch onto the floor before going deep in thought. So my soulmate is the Kazekage? The one with a thousand fan girls waiting at his doorstep to bear his children? The one that would only marry someone as strong as himself? I mean my parents were ninjas so they taught me a few things, including our family Kekkei Genkai. But that was only for self defense since they knew I didn't want to be a ninja. I'm not emotionally as strong as they are to go into battle and lose comrades daily. And, how could I ever compete with the other bachelorettes in Suna? Surely half of them have their eyes set on the Kazekage, the prized jewel of the village. 

I mean, from what I know about him he's very fair to the people and understanding, but I only know him as the Kazekage, not as Gaara. How could it even work out? Why would it even work out? Grrr... I stand up and dust myself off before taking a deep breath and going back to the kitchen. Only to see the sand siblings in there. Now he's in my sanctuary too?! Life isn't fair.

"This is your kitchen Hana?" Asked Gaa- I mean the Kazekage.

"Yes Kazekage-sama, Daisuke works over there on the smaller pastries while I focus on decorations for certain pastries and creating the bigger cakes for special occasions."

"I see."

"Your stuff seems a little, outdated." Added Kankuro, before Temari hissed at him to be quiet. I only laughed to myself before answering.

"Well yes. I work here everyday so I never really get the chance to upgrade some of the equipment. But I have already placed an order for a newer and much bigger oven which should be arriving soon."

"This place is wonderful!" Said Temari as she walked up to me. "Would it be alright if we watched you start on the cake?"

"It would be an honor." I said with a closed eye smile. I moved to one of the cabinets to pull out the fondant I made yesterday and spread some corn starch on my work table.

"First I'll make the flowers, they need to dry up to be ready for the cake." I explained before mixing some of the yellow food coloring to start on the center of the calla lilies. Eventually I finished with six before moving on to make the sakura flowers. I was happy to see Temari entranced with the flowers. Even the Kazekage was watching my movements, which made me a little nervous.

"Temari. Kankuro and I will be returning to the office, I have more paperwork to finish." Said the Kazekage as he began to turn away.

"Oh okay, bye Gaara!" 

"Farewell Kazekage-sama." I said with a small bow. His nonexistent eyebrow twitched in what I guess is frustration. I guess he doesn't like me. That's understandable though, after all, all I am is a baker. Meanwhile he's the freaking ruler of the village.

"Oh she's so cute." Said his older brother as he gave me a wink. I started blushing and turned back to finish on more flowers.

"Aw I see how it is. Gotta keep your heart breaker reputation right?" I froze and accidentally crushed the orchid I had in my hand. I hate that stupid title. That stupid freaking title. Stupid stupid stupid...

"Oh well then, later cutie." He said with a final wink before leaving with the Kazekage who was still in the kitchen. His shoulders were tense and yanked Kankuro by the ear before leaving. Geez.

"I'm really sorry about that. Kankuro flirts with anything that has a pulse."    Said Temari as she started to get her bag. "We should be heading out soon. I still have lots of planning to do for the wedding."

"I see, when is the wedding? So that I can finish the cake by then."

"We decided that it's going to be in two weeks, so that we can still have a little time for our honeymoon." She said before putting her arm around a now blushing Shikamaru.

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