Chapter Eleven

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Third Person POV:

Hana was sitting in shock as she stared at the thin book that lay on the floor. 'Gays on the Prowl' written on it. So Kankuro's there ISN'T a love triangle? Hana's mind was going in circles until she heard footsteps approaching. Without thinking she kicked the book back under the bed before Gaara entered.

"Is everything alright Hana?"

"Y-yeah, I tripped on one these damn scrolls though" she said with a laugh before standing up to hug him.


"I love you Gaara."

"...I love you too, Hana." He said before wrapping his arms around her. She smiled internally before taking off his Kazekage hat and putting it on her. He smiled while she tried looking at her lover through the hat.

"It's a bit big..." She muttered to herself.

"I can see that." He said before tipping the front of it down so her eyesight was completely covered in darkness. She turned her head left and right in confusion before being lifted in the air. Gaara grabbed her by her waist and twirled her in the air, causing her to let out a squeak, resembling that of her spirit animal. He smiled as he set her down and tipped the hat upward to see her face; she was smiling like a complete idiot. Her smile was ear to ear as she moved to pull on his robes to pull him in for a kiss. Gaara couldn't resist her sweet lips and moved his with hers; their movements matching the other like a perfect reflection. She pulled away before he noticed her cheeks were dusted with pink and her eyes were half lidded.

"W-we should head out. I g-gotta open up the bakery soon." She stated, yet her eyes pleaded to stay with him. He nodded before asking softly "one more kiss?"

She couldn't say no.

She smiled before leaning in to meet his lips when she sensed it: she could smell his arousal again. That intoxicating aroma of cinnamon and spice filled her senses as their lips met.

'This is not good.' She thought as he put his hands on her hips.
'I might not be able to resist this time.' She would think as he rubbed circles on her hips with his thumb. He moved his lips on her when she felt his tongue lick her bottom lip asking permission. On instinct she obliged and quickly wrapped a hand in his hair while the other began unconsciously feeling his chest.

Gaara was on cloud nine. His touch went from gentle and passionate to a bit rushed and aggressive. But Hana didn't mind; on the contrary she enjoyed it. When his tongue started massaging hers she let out a small moan, which drove Gaara insane. His grip on her hips tightened as he pulled her even closer to him to ravage her addicting lips. Hana let out soft whimpers at his actions.

'Kami he's bringing out the worst of me.' She thought as her animalistic lust started taking effect. She could feel his bulging member on her stomach and it was driving her insane. Before she knew it Gaara had quickly pinned her to the wall and was ravaging her neck with licks and kisses.

"Nngh, G-Gaara..." She whined as he continued kissing her neck down to her collarbone.

"I can smell your lust Hana..." He growled, his voice an octave lower than normal. Hana's eyes widened before quickly pushing Gaara away. She shook her head quickly, shaking the perverted thoughts out of her head.

"What's wrong Hana?" He asked, his voice back to normal.

"Y-you could smell my arousal."

"....Yes. It's, intoxicating."

"Yeah, but, if you can smell it that means we were already started the bonding ceremony. In Kankuro's room." Gaara's eyes shot out before his cheeks burned crimson.

"I see. We should head out."


They both quickly fixed their clothing before walking to their workplaces.

Hana walked into her bakery with a wonderful smile that could light up a room. She lightly sighed of contentment before placing pastries that were on the cooling rack to the display glass. While she was setting up for the day her employees trickled in one by one. They could feel her aura buzzing with delight as she hummed while starting to make Temari's cake.

"So I guess things turned out well with you and the Kazekage then?" Questioned Daisuke as he munched on a 'forget me not' cookie.

"Yup!" She said joyfully while handling him a tray of finished cupcakes.

Chiharu smiled and gave Hana a hug. "I'm so happy for you!" She squealed. Right afterwards she whispered "now if only Akihiro would say something..." Hana snickered and nodded before going back to work.

On the other side of the village Gaara walked into the Kazekage building with a light smile and made his way to his office to tackle his work. Not once did he complain or get frustrated, only thinking of how lucky he was to have such a perfect love.

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