Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Gaara awoke early the next morning, a little later usual. He deserved it though, given how they traveled for days on their mission to find Hana. Surely sleeping in was more than acceptable this one time. He looked to his side and saw his beautiful mate resting, her chest slowly moving up and down, letting him know she was sleeping soundly. He smiled at how peaceful she looked; her hair had strands covering some of her face, her lips were turned into the tiniest of smiles, and she was like an angel in his arms. He moved slowly to tuck away the hair on her face as he watched sleep in a little more. Is that creepy? He hoped it wasn't.

As he pondered whether or not he was being weird Hana started to stir. Her eyes fluttered open as she turned to look at Gaara, her back to his chest. She smiled before mumbling a 'Good morning' followed by a kiss. As she went to move from the bed she whimpered and stayed under the covers. Gaara let out a grunt from the sensation as they realized they were still "connected" from last night. He slowly pulled out as they both whined from the loss. He carried her bridal style to the shower, washing her down sans the sexy time.

After cleaning up and getting dressed they assumed the rest of the grouo would still be asleep. Especially Aozora for carrying Hiniku all the way there. His back must be aching from that. Luckily this inn doubled as a trading post so some sort of convenience store must be nearby. The couple walked down the stairs and head out looking for breakfast for everyone as well as some medicine for Hana's father's back. By luck they found a small grocery store. It wasn't much but they bought a few pork buns, water, and a pain relief cream. They walked back hand in hand, their walking slowed as they both had a conversation they had yet to speak about.

"Hana, the heat ended right?"

"Yep, my ears and tail and stuff are finally gone." She said with a small laugh, hiding behind it so he won't know how nervous she is.

"That means, we completed the bonding ceremony." He asked, nervous as to ask his main question.

"Yes, we're both bonded to each other now." She answered, knowing what it meant.

"" he shyly tugged her arm and pulled her into an alleyway, away from prying eyes.
"Hana, since the mating is over and we are bonded...."

"...yes Gaara?"

"I.... I don't know how to ask..." She looked down, her hand slowly rising to touch her stomach. She knew what it meant to be bonded, and to fully mate.

"The answer is yes Gaara. I'm pregnant." His eyes widened as he slowly put his hand on her stomach.

"S-so I'm..... I'm gonna be a father?" He asked, almost in a whisper, afraid if he spoke louder he would ruin the moment.

Hana softly smiled before saying "we're gonna have a baby."

At this moment, he could have sworn he would have fallen into a panic. Being a father so young? As a kazekage working full time? What about Hana's business? Should they get married right away? What if he was a bad father? He didn't even have a father to role model after. How could he be a good father to this baby?! How?!

But instead, the biggest smile formed on his face instantly. It was so big it hurt his face from the uncommon position. He started to rub his eyes as tears began to fall. He hugged Hana so tightly while kissing her all over her face. Hana giggled from the sensation, not caring if his tears fell on her face too. They both cried tears of joy, alone, basking in their glow while hiding in the tiny alleyway. He trembled as he cupped her cheek to kiss her on the lips, over and over until they couldn't stop giggling. They wiped their eyes as they started to relax. Hana wiped Gaara's tears as he fixed her hair for her. The couple basking in their calmed silence, nothing but smiles being exchanged as they held hands and walked back to the inn. A block before the inn Gaara stopped in his tracks. Hana looked back at him, confused as to what caught his attention.

She looked where he was gawking at and saw a woman selling pink and blue onesies for babies. Gaara seemed so happy; lost in thought of what their baby would look like. A boy or a girl? Well either would be great.

'Maybe I should get both' he wondered as he headed towards the booth. Hana smiled as she followed him.

"Mi amor we don't even know if it's a boy or a girl!" She exclaimed following a laugh. Seeing him like this was absolutely adorable.

"You're right, we should get both." He simply said before handing the vendor the correct amount before picking both onesies.

"You're unbelievable." Hana said while she laughed, though happy at how enthusiastic he was about being a dad. She shook her head as she wrapped her arm around his, walking together towards the inn. She sighed a little, just happy at how he took the news. Any guy would easily freak out over becoming a father overnight. But not Gaara. He was absolutely ecstatic.

Once at the inn the couple walked to other gang's room and knocked twice. Kankuro answered the door and let them in. They walked in to see everyone awake, including Hiniku. Hana ran to Hiniku, still in his tiger form, and laid her hand on his paw.

"I'm so glad you're healing Hiniku! I was so worried!! I never got a chance to thank you for helping me escape. It gave me a chance to be far enough from the men so Gaara could find me in time. So thank you, Hiniku." Hiniku simply bowed his head a little unable to speak in his form. While they spoke Gaara handed the men the bags of pork buns and water.

"Hiniku," began Hana. "Are you healed enough to transform back?" The tiger merely blushed before shaking his head.

Aozora turned to Hana. "He's mostly healed from the herbs you put on him, but uh...he doesn't have a change of clothes. We didn't pack any extras either." Hiniku blushed harder as he looked away. Hana laughed a bit at his predicament before saying:

"I heard there's a lost and found here. I can check if they have any clothes there left by guests. I didn't see a clothing store nearby but if we don't find anything I can always look again." Hiniku nodded in thanks before she handed him a few pork buns.

"Hey Gaara." Interjected Kankuro.

"Yes?" He asked as the couple bit into their pork buns.

"Why is there baby clothing in this bag?" They both choked on their breakfast. Grunting and smacking their chest as they cleared their throat.

Aozora looked at Hana, just noticing her ears and tail were gone. "Hana."

Her eyes widened as she looked at her father who was completely serious in that moment. "Yes dad?"

"You both bonded, right?" He asked. The couple blushed furiously at what he referred to.

"Y-yes... we did." She answered as she looked anywhere but her dad.

But to her surprise, he broke out into a smile. He hugged you both in his arms tightly, shaking a little. "I'm so happy for you two! I'm gonna be grandpa!" He said with glee. The moment after he said that his smile faded "I'm gonna be a grandpa? I'm gonna be old!! Hana I'm not that old am I?!" His dad shifted into a panic, overthinking the silliest of thoughts.

Hana laughed and said "Dad you're not old. You're the youngest grandpa I've ever seen."

"Okay am I the only one confused about this?!" Asked Kankuro while his mouth was full of food. Gaara shook his head before taking him to the side and briefly explaining how one night automatically got Hana pregnant. Hiniku stood up and walked over to Hana, rubbing his head on her as a small congratulations. She smiled and pat his head while her dad cried dramatically while holding on to the onesies, still in shock that his baby is all grown up and having her own baby.

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