Chapter Eight

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Hana POV:

THIS-TH-THIS GUY. He has lips pressed firmly on mine, his arms wrapped around me. My eyes widened in shock before closing them and turning my head to the side, deepening the kiss. His arms pulled me closer to him as my hand crept up from his cheek to his hair. I felt the sensation of electricity travel from my lips down to my toes. These fireworks set off in my stomach, making me weak at the knees. I pulled on his hair while deepening the kiss. After a few seconds he pulls back out of breath, just like me. He rests his forehead on mine before saying "I don't know what came over me...but I love it." I started giggling before rubbing my nose on his neck affectionately, scent marking him without realizing.

"Do you know what I just did?" I asked in a whisper.

"No, what?"

"Without realizing it, I scent marked you. So when you leave  others of an animalistic clan know you are mine." I said, before burying my face in his chest. Why did I say that?! He gently petted my hair before placing his chin above my head in an embrace, saying "I will always belong to you." I blushed while hiding my face in his chest. Damn he's smooth when he wants to be. Eventually we separated because he had to leave before Temari throws a fit. I laughed before walking him to the door. We smiled before he gave me one last hug before setting off. I closed the door and leaned against it, letting out a huge sigh. He's amazing. The way he cared for Haku and Yuki left me speechless. Even now Haku is babbling to dad about how great he is, while Yuki started calling him Niisan. Mom is even thinking about inviting the siblings over for dinner. WAIT! The siblings, Temari! THE CAKE! Well I have a week left, the flowers are all done so that's a relief. I guess the cakes could all be done in one day if the oven arrived. I should get more things for the fondant...

Gaara POV:

When I walked through the door I was welcomed with bickering between Temari and Kankuro. Now usually I would grow irritated and head straight to my room, but I was still on my high that I couldn't come down from. I was overflowing with this unfamiliar sensation of joy and serenity. I noticed Temari started yelling at me about where I was all those hours, but all I did was give her a light hug and pat Kankuro on the back, my smile never ceasing. 

"Woah are you drunk?" Questioned Kankuro.

"No, just happy." I said before walking towards my room. "Good night you two." I added softly before going in my room. I lay on my back, thinking about everything that has happened within the day. From coming back from a mission, to ending Hana's depression, to enjoying a dinner with her family, to being a part of her family. At first I was terrified: being tied to someone I don't fully know yet. But I suppose it's destiny. Her smile is forever etched in my mind as well as her laugh, her caresses, her lips, our mark. I touch my lips, remembering how it rendered me helpless. There was a shock that shot out throughout my body when we kissed; it was addicting. Soon enough I felt a warm sensation on my back, almost like a glow. I touched the spot where my mark is and felt Hana's lips. On my cheek, on my forehead, on my other cheek, and then my lips. But she was in her home; she isn't here. But it felt so real. The softness of her lips, the gentleness of her kiss, the shock; it was all there. I laid back on my pillow, engulfed in happiness and bliss.

Before I fall asleep I hear a knock on the door.

"Gaara? It's Temari."

"Come in." Temari cautiously opened the door, analyzing me before closing it and sitting on the side of my bed.

"We were really worried about you Gaara. Kankuro said you took off before they even reached the gates." I chuckled softly. "I did. I wanted to see Hana."

"Awww, how is she?"

"She's good. I think we're..... I think we're dating."

"WHAT OH KAMI THANK YOU!" She said before engulfing me in a hug. "So wait she likes you?"

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