Chapter Seventeen

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Kankuro POV:

So there I was, sitting peacefully; sipping on my glass of champagne when all of a sudden the young cute love birds of Hana and Gaara hurled me over to the dancefloor when Daisuke was going crazy as DJ. Thanks guys. But he was amazing; he was in his own world jamming with his equipment while the music was incredible. Some of the music was already chosen by Temari and Shika, but some of it was his own creation. Incredible.

"Thanks Kanky!"

Turns out while I was in my thoughts Daisuke was taking a break and letting the pre-chosen music play. And he heard me when I said he was incredible. Fuck.

"You there Kanky?"

" Hmm yeah yeah I'm here." I said laughing it off. Daisuke quirked his head to the side and kind of giggled. This little fucker giggled. And he made me giggle. Damn it.

"Wanna show me where the drinks are?"

"S-sure, over here." I walked with him to the bar and asked for two glasses of champagne.

"Thank you my good sir." He said while taking one of the glasses from my hand. His hand was so soft and warm. It reminds me of the time he had his hand on my cheek and I couldn't help but blush. I can't help it I like this kid. I like-

Oh Kami.

No. Nonono, no!

"Kanky what's wrong?" Daisuke turned to me worried, his hand on my shoulder. But all I could see was that asshole of a waiter serving drinks and appetizers. Toshi.

"That's him." I barely manage to say. I was furious, I was terrified, and my heart was ready to beat out of my chest.

"Who is that?"

"The guy who played me."

"Played you?"

I pull him close to me and whisper the most embarrassing moment of my life: when Toshi made me get out of the closet just to win a bet. He used me and later him and his crew treated me like a freak and tried to beat me up everyday until I became chuunin.

"That's the fucktard?!" Daisuke yells. I hush him quickly so he won't make a scene but it's too late. He's grabbing my hand and walking me up to him. And right before we meet him Daisuke stops me and right in front of him kisses me on the cheek. Toshi looks appalled and ready to say something but he couldn't manage to utter a word when he sees Daisuke's face. Crap he was terrifying. His entire demeanor screamed "speak and die you rat."

Toshi kept his mouth shut when Daisuke's face turned into a creepy smile.

"So I hear you were going to apologize to Kankuro for something? Isn't that right Toshi?"

"W-w-well...y-you know what? F-fuck you! Yeah fuck you and your fag-"

Before he could even finish saying that disgusting word, Daisuke punched him square in the face, making him bleed and smear blood all over his blouse. Daisuke turned away quickly and I immediately grabbed a napkin and cleaned the blood off of his hand. I almost forgot he can't see blood or else things get bad.

We walked to a table to relax for a moment for Daisuke. He just held my hand and gently repeated "I'm fine Kanky."

I'm fine. I shake my head in disbelief  and just pull him into a hug before saying "next time I punch him." He giggled before saying "alright Kanky."

As we pulled away I could see his beautiful eyes starting into my soul and I  couldn't control it anymore. I don't care if he rejects me. I wrapped my arm around his waist and other on his upper back.


"I'm sorry." I couldn't resist his looks anymore. The way he looks at me, the way he does the impossible to help me, and the fact that he fucking punched Toshi unconscious was hot as hell.

He stiffened but didn't pull away as I moved closer to him until our noses touched. His cheeks were completely red as I got closer. And I was burning red from seeing his face. He became so adorable and irresistible and before I knew it I smashed my lips against his. Before I could even blink Daisuke's tongue was exploring my mouth like it was freaking mystical Mt. Fuji. He was amazing and so sexy as he grabbed my hair and put me on cloud 9. I pulled him closer to me and ravaged his champagne tasting lips.

Soon after we parted for air and both of our cheeks were burning hot from the sudden burst of hormones and lip action. Kami he knows how to kiss.

"I've been, waiting, a while for that." Said Daisuke while panting.

"What? You knew I liked you?!"

"Hmm? Oh look at the time I should head back to the dancefloor." He said and ran off.

This little fucker.


"Aaahhh KANKY NOOOO!!"

And I kept chasing that fucker until we ended up making out in the bathroom. Kami he'll be the death of me.

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