Chapter Twenty-three

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It had been about 36 hours before the symptoms of the heat had finally ended. Poor Gaara and Hana could barely take a sip of juice before going back at it. When the heat dissolved, they finally collapsed on the bed  exhausted.  

Gaara had passed out almost instantly when the scent of vanilla had faded. Hana on the other hand was slowly being lulled to sleep from the warmth of Gaara's embrace, his arms around her  as if she were his long lost teddy bear. Her breasts were pressed against her lover's chest as they both fell into a long nap. The room was filled with the scent of roses, a sign of a complete ceremony. The couple sighed as they inhaled the sweet scent, dreaming pleasant dreams of one another. Skin against skin, they felt warm and at peace, like a baby still in the womb; unaware of the outside world, only focusing on the warmth from their loved one.

Eventually their world was crumbled when they heard a door slam open. As a trained ninja Gaara was the first to spring out of bed, grabbing a kunai by his nightstand. Hana on the other hand was not fully awake as she rolled and fell off the bed, wrapped around the bed sheets like a squirming fly on a web before it is eaten. She grabbed her head and groaned before Gaara covered her mouth. She looked at him and nodded before keeping quiet. 

This is so not how a mating is supposed to end.

Hana stayed silent as she shifted into a lioness. Her shoulders rolled as she lowered in a prowling position. Gaara slipped on his robe without pants to save time as he crept closer to the door. He used his secret eye and sent his sand to check on the intruder downstairs. He could feel two chakras, one at jounin level and the other around chuunin level. He closed his eyes to focus on the sand when it happened:

In a matter of seconds Gaara's nose bled profusely and he passed out, hitting his head on the floor on the way down. Hana immediately shifted back and tried to wake him up by shaking him, spraying perfume by his nose, and then slapping him. The slapping worked. Gaara soon opened his eyes and looked up at Hana, his nose bleeding again before he turned his head and said 

"Please put some clothes on."

"Well that's a first coming from you." She laughed as she looked for her bra. "What did you see?"

"....I...I, I saw something I shouldn't have."

"What was it?"

"I'd rather not talk about it."

All of a sudden the both were silenced as they heard a low moan and panting steadily rising in volume. Hana was perplexed until her face began to turn red and her nose began to bleed. They both ran to the bathroom and plugged both of their nostrils with paper before sitting down and waiting out the uncomfortable situation. They properly put their clothing back on before sitting on the bed awkwardly. Eventually Hana couldn't bear it and grabbed the box of condoms before opening the door and chucking it down the stairs. The panting stopped momentarily, probably to look at what made the sound. She took the opportunity and yelled:

"NO GLOVE NO LOVE GENTLEMEN!" Gaara was burying his face in his pillow, attempting to forget the sounds he heard as well as what Hana was referring to. 

"HEY THERE'S ONLY ONE LEFT YOU ASSHOLES!" Yelled Kankuro from downstairs.


"Oh Kami please make this end." Said Gaara as he dug his face deeper into his pillow. 

After that the couple downstairs used a sound barrier jutsu so that they wouldn't be disturbed. Hana lay back down on the bed before stroking her lover's crimson hair. Even though he was surrounded by sand on a daily basis his hair was always soft. As she played with his hair his muscles began to relax; he turned to his side and pulled her by her waist until they were chest to chest. He lowered himself down so he could kiss her neck, soft and lightly bruised from all the hickies and bite marks he left on her after their mating. 

"I'm sorry for all the marks." He whispered as he brushed his lips by her ear.

"Trust me, you have nothing to be sorry about" She said with a smile. She enjoyed the marks because as weird as it may sound, she liked the idea of belonging to him. Of being his and no one else's. Maybe it's a clan thing or maybe it's just a kink, but either way it made her very happy. Even after mating for a day and a half, they kissed as though they hadn't seen each other in weeks; gentle yet strong kisses. The taste of each other's lips never ceased to bore them as they wrapped their arms around each other to be closer. 

Hana said her long farewell to Gaara before running off to the bakery (she escaped through the window so she wouldn't see what Kankuro and Daisuke were up to). Once inside she slid her apron on and washed her hands before staying in the kitchen all day. She didn't want anyone to see the marks so she had a headscarf on when she was outside. She yanked it off in the kitchen and went straight to making some lotus bread. As she needed the dough she felt her mark glowing with a warm feeling like a river of sweet honey across her neck.

She remembered how sensitive the mark was during the mating. How when Gaara pulled her hair the mark sent shocks of pleasure throughout her body. And when he nibbled on it she couldn't help but whimper in delight. She smiled before shaking the naughty thoughts away and getting back to work.

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