Chapter Twenty-Four

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When the night had cooled and their positions had been filled, they waited. Still as a statue and stealthy like the animals they were hiding as they waited for their target to show. 

One of the cats eyed the building he was patrolling and saw the girl leave last. Chocolate hair, caramel eyes; he hissed when he could smell the scent of sex on her. She was the one. He watched as she was blissfully unaware, smiling and singing on her way home. The siamese cat jumped off the tree and hid in an alleyway before changing back to his naked form. His piercing cold blue eyes contrasted his long black hair that fell loosely to his lower back. He had a tribal tattoo from his left shoulder to his chest. His sharp jaw tightened as he remembered that she was already mated. He cursed under his breath before contacting the squad.

"Come in Sora! What did you find?"

"Riku, I found her."

"Good, get her and-"

"She's mated."

"Mated?!" Interjected another voice through the walkie talkie.

"Yes Asahi, some bastard mated her. But not completely."

"What do you mean?" 

"It means I can still get what I came for." He said with a sneer before turning off the walkie talkie. He soared high above the building as a raven, closely following his prey. He perched himself as he eyed her walking home, her ears and tail still very noticeable. Damn the bastard who tried to take her. But not for long. Soon she will be where she belongs.

He stayed to watch her until she fell asleep. Only then did he fall back, but not before sliding a note  through the front door.

"Honey what is that?" Hana's mother asked, confused at the random letter on the floor.

"No idea." Her husband bent down to pick it up, his long hair falling to his face. He blew at it and pushed it back before studying the seal on the front. His heartbeat quickened as he looked all around before looking back at the note.

"It's from my village..." He whispered before slowly opening the note. Inside was only one sentence and the sentence made his blood run cold and made him bolt upstairs, leaving the note behind. Confused, his wife picked up the letter.

"The agreement has been fulfilled."


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