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"Mommy!" Yelled a red headed little girl as she burst through the door with a newspaper in her hands. "Look look! Daddy's on the paper!!"

Her mother placed a small brown book back on the bookshelf before turning to look at her daughter.

"Well I hope so honey, he's the Kazekage after all." She finished with a small laugh. She took the newspaper from her daughter to take a look at it. Gaara was being a hero as always; he saved the village from an invasion from a group of rogue shinobi the other day. The news article was about that, no surprise. Hana smiled at her daughter Kasumi. She turned five a few weeks ago, her seafoam green eyes sparkling whenever she mentioned her father. Kasumi absolutely adored Gaara. For one thing, they look almost identical. Except little Kasumi has long hair, which is now all tangled up because of her running around the house during play time. Hana sighs as she goes to grab a hair tie, about to wrestle with Kasumi's hair for the third time today.

"Baby sit on the chair for me so I can fix your hair."

"Yes mommy!" Little Kasumi scrambled onto the chair while her mother carefully brushed it and braided it to the side.

"Mommy after this can we play tag?"

"Sure honey." Said Hana with a smile. "But finish picking up your toys before we go out to play."

"Awww, fine." Kasumi whined as she hopped off the chair. She hurried off to put the toys away as Hana put the chair back. Hana laughed at her baby's antics, and thought as to how these years have flown by.

A lot has happened since Hana had gotten married. For one thing Haku was already going on missions! He was turning 15 soon, and was going on a B rank mission next week. Gaara had kept his promise and trained Haku whenever he got the chance. Haku used his shifting ability to be a better with reconnaissance and observation, and has gained a nice reputation as more of a spy ninja. Yuki just turned 11, and she decided she wanted to follow in my footsteps at the bakery! So far she busses tables and cleans the front of the store, but eventually Chiharu is gonna teach her how to work the register. 

Hana's parents are still active ninja, though happy about their first grandchild and how much joy she brings to the home whenever they visit. Hana's mother spoils Kasumi with her food while Mr. Aozora plays all of Kasumi's games of pretend like tea party and ninja time. Chiharu and Akihiro are still going strong after five years of dating. Chiharu is dying for Akihiro to commit already and to propose. What she doesn't know is that Akihiro is waiting for their trip to the onsen in the mountains to propose. He was so giddy about getting the ring and getting all the details ready for the proposal that he almost told Chiharu. Twice. Luckily Daisuke thought ahead and is keeping the ring at his place until the proposal date so Akihiro doesn't slip up.

Daisuke on the other hand is doing great! Kankuro convinced him to seek professional help for his PTSD; and while he isn't at 100% he can definitely sleep a bit better now. Kankuro was starting to feel more prideful of himself and made his relationship with Daisuke public, haters be damned. They moved in to Daisuke's home and should be celebrating their second anniversary as a married couple next month. Kankuro got baby fever after babysitting Kasumi a few times over the years and has been asking Daisuke to have a baby together. They're still debating whether or not to adopt since they both have full time jobs. But they definitely dream about having a baby together. 

Temari and Shikamaru have long moved out of the Kazekage mansion to their own home. They now have a little boy named Shikadai. They love their little boy more than anything else in the world. They sometimes come to visit so Shikadai can play with Kasumi. Kasumi is older though so she usually drags him along to play with dolls and the occasional fake ninja gear to practice with. Shikamaru was in for a surprise the day he came to pick up Shikadai only to see the poor kiddo in a bonnet and stuck playing tea time with Kasumi! Temari on the other hand couldn't stop laughing. 

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