Chapter Thirty-Six

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**Lemon Ensues, 18+**

They both froze as as they inhaled each other's intoxicating scents, the smell enough to turn them feral. He grabbed her by the chin so she could face him as he smashed his lips against hers. God how he craved her.  Their kiss had teeth and tongue, both fighting for some sort of dominance. He pushed her against the tile wall, a small hiss slipped passed her lips as her warm back touched the cold tile. Gaara had her pinned there as his hands explored her body, his lips on her neck, looking for her sensitive spot.

She let out a weak moan as he smirked. Found it, he thought as he nipped and sucked that one spot that made her moan so much it sounded like music to his ears. Hana moaned so recklessly as she clawed his back, craving for him to claim her...over and over and over.

Gaara tried to talk as he kept kissing and sucking her neck, trying to at least let her know. "I can't wait anymore" he moaned as he rutted against her. His hard member rubbed her stomach so sinfully she was getting wetter by the second. And it had nothing to do with their shower.

"I need you Gaara, please." She insisted as she rubbed against him too. God how he wanted to ravage her. To have her, claim her, mark her.....and let everyone know she was his. She rubbed her hips against him, mewling as she craved even the slightest friction. Her head was getting clouded by lust as she grabbed him by his hair and whispered to his ear:

"Please, I need you to fuck me so bad."

Gaara almost came just hearing those sinful words come out of his angel's lips. He grabbed her roughly by the hips as he shoved it in, not bothering to be gentle after hearing her devilish plea. Her eyes widened as she groaned, feeling so full so quickly. Fuck she could feel him throbbing inside her. It sent her into a frenzy as she pulled him down for a kiss, practically forcing her tongue down his throat as he kept a ruthless pace. Gaara's steamy gaze went from her face that could only be compared to a succubus, down to her breasts that bounced from just how hard he was giving it to her. He pressed her harder aginst the tile as his hands went to tease and tug on her nipples, loving how they bounced and hardened under his touch. Hana could only moan and mewl as she was getting stimulated in every direction. She sunk her little fangs onto Gaara's neck, leaving him a beautiful mark for the next few days. He hissed at the confusing mix of pain and pleasure. His angel lapping up the droplets of blood while kissing and sucking every other part of his neck. He let out a low growl of pleasure, growing close to his climax. Her kisses grew sloppy as she felt her climax build in her too. Gaara could feel her legs trembling as they neared their orgasm. He held her tight by her waist as he changed his angle, rubbing against her clit too. Her eyes saw stars as she shook uncontrollably while she came. Gaara was still fucking her through her orgasm, making her so much more sensitive and losing her ability to say a coherent sentence. All she could say was Gaara's name, over and over like a chant. Gaara meanwhile was loving every minute of watching her lose control. He loved it so much he decided to stimulate her more. He grabbed her tail roughly, causing her to scream his name as she came again. She was drooling from the pleasure at this point, her mouth left open as all she could do was whimper from how overstimulated she was feeling.

"I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum!" Growled Gaara as his thrusts became erratic, just the sight of his mate disheveled and lost in pleasure because of him was enough to make him cum. His hips stilled as he came inside her, his hot seed filling her up even more. She whimpered at how full she was feeling; and preening at the possibility of having his cubs. Just the thought made her squeeze him harder, practically milking him of all his semen. Gaara moaned loudly at the sensation. He laid his head on her shoulder as he started panting.

"We're not done yet." He said. "We're not leaving this room until you're so full of my semen, that we can guarantee you're having my cubs." Just those words made Hana moan a 'yes' to him. He pulled out of her, both groaning from the loss. He couldn't help but look down her thighs as he saw his semen start to slowly drip down her thighs. He stepped out of the tub before picking her up and taking her straight to the bed. He flipped her onto her stomach as he aligned himself again. Hana laid her head on the bed with her ass in the air for him, presenting herself like a dutiful and eager mate.

Just that sight drove him mad with lust. She just positioned herself so submissively, so desperate for his touch. He slowly pushed it in while hissing at the feeling. How was she still so tight after the last round? Hana was practically drunk off the sex as she stayed in her position and could only think about his cock being shoved in and out of her, stretching her walls, getting her pregnant with his cubs. God it was enough to make her cum again. Gaara on the other hand noticed she wasn't being as loud as before, and that had to change. He grabbed her tail instead her hips and used that as his leverage to fuck her from behind.

"G-Gaara please!!! You can't I- ahh, please, please Gaara~" her pleas went unanswered as she felt her third climax. Her whole body shook as this one would be the strongest. Gaara bent down to her ear and said

"I'm gonna c-cum too." The couple came at the same time, moaning at the sensation. Gaara slowly released her tail from his grip and laid down, careful not to collapse on his mate. He pulled her to his chest as they laid sideways, still connected. They took the time to let their breathing slow a little before speaking.

Gaara slowly reached down and rubbed Hana's belly, imagining how she would look with a pregnant belly. Or how it would be when they decorate the nursery together, or imagining the moment their child says 'dada'. He kissed her cheek softly as she placed her hand on his.

"You would make a lovely mother, mi amor." He said before kissing her cheek once again.

"And you would make a wonderful father." She added before turning to him to kiss him on the lips. He kissed her head as he thought of their future child. He wondered if she would even be pregnant from this heat.
"Mi amor?"

"Yes Hana?"

"I think you fucked the heat right out of me." The couple blushed for a moment before erupting in laughter. "Seriously for once I don't feel the need to jump your bones tonight!" She added with a laugh. As she finished her laugh a poof sound was heard. Gaara watched in amazement as he tail disappeared, as did the rest of her half animal form. She was back to her normal self.

"I guess I really did fuck the heat out of you." He mumbled. He smiled, a little relieved the heat was over. The sex was amazing but back at Suna it would be hard to concentrate on the Kazekage duties if all he could think about was ravaging his beloved. "Hana..."

"Yes mi amor?"

"Um, I don't know how to ask this...."

"You can ask me anything my love."

"Can I... can I k-keep it in? I want to have a better chance of having cubs with you mi amor." He was beet red at his request, unsure as to where he found the courage to even ask.

"The whole night? I don't mind but that might mean a round three later on." She said with a smirk. His face was as red as his hair at the thought, all previous bravado and blind courage gone with the heat. He nodded quietly while wrapping his arms around her in an embrace. They soon fell asleep from pure exhaustion, thinking of their wonderful future together.

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