Chapter Thirty

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Hana POV: 

"P-Please....just let me go...what would you even gain from this?!" I pleaded. I had no strength left in me. I'm bleeding out, Hiniku is..... and Gaara.... Gaara must be miles away by now. There's no one here to save me. I don't have a lot of fight left in me. Not compared to this monster in front of me.

"What would I gain? A mate as powerful as I am, and we'd be the strongest family and you'd bear my children to be the next warriors of the clan, as promised by your ancestors."

"I wasn't actually alive to consent to this bullshit if you know what I mean."

"And I don't really give a fuck. You're mine, and that's all I care about. You're heat should be coming soon," he says as he ties my wrists behind me so I'm bound to the tree behind me.

"Too late, I already have my mate and he did a MUCH better job than you ever will with taking care of my heat."

"You're feisty I'll admit that, but you're also stupid. I bet you even used condoms didn't you?"

"And why is that any of your damn business?" I turn to look at him as he tightens the rope around my wrists so my arms are above my head.

"If your first heat doesn't get you pregnant, your body makes second heat to try again. It's been about a week now. You're due any moment now for that heat.... And let me tell you when it does," I turned away from him as he licked my neck. "You're gonna forget about that mate of yours. You won't even have a choice. Once I mark you as mine you won't be able to leave me."

I feel my body start to shake. He can't be serious. There's gonna be a second heat? My legs don't stop trembling as I feel him start to lift my shirt.

"Your skin is so soft. I can't wait to bite it, and see you writhe in pain and pleasure. Pretty soon, you won't be able to tell the difference." He whispered in my ear. I try to calm down and think of any other plan to get out. my arms are spread out and tied tightly so I can't even bend my wrist to use my claws. All I can do is maybe buy myself some time. I place my hands on the bark of the tree and propel my legs up to kick him right in the chest. I hear him gasp for air as he falls back. 

"You bitch."

"You shouldn't touch what isn't yours." I spat. I'm so sick of his smug attitude.

"I'm  getting tired of waiting, maybe I should speed up your heat a little." He grinned. Maliciously I might add. A shiver went down my spine when I heard him. There's no way he could do that right? Right???

Author's POV:

Sora grabs her tail and slowly starts to squeeze it from the base. She looks at him shocked and tried to hide her whine. Any person from the clan knows that their tail is the most sensitive. 

"You like that huh? you can't hide it from me." He said as he approached her neck. "How amazing do you think it would feel if I just mark you now? Right on this soft, beautiful, sensitive neck of yours?" He licked her neck as he finished, her failed attempts to hide her gasps. "But I won't, not until you're begging for it."

"F-fuck you..." She struggled to say, her mind getting hazy with her tail being toyed with and her neck being so stimulated.

"No baby, I'm gonna be the one fucking you tonight." He laughed as he started to grope her. Hana struggled to move away or at least kick him away. But it was proving rather difficult. "enough with your legs already!" He grunted as he lifted your legs and put them on his waist. 

Hana's eyes widened. No. Oh no. He was so much closer to her now, and she could feel his um.... you know... growing right by her stomach. She was staring to get that same feeling with Gaara that night.... that heat pooling in her stomach. Everything was getting so warm, so-

"That was fast wasn't it? You that eager for me?" he said. As much as Hana wanted to tell him off she could barely hold in her moans. 

Hana POV:

Gaara, please..... save me

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