Chapter Ten

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Third Person POV:

A few rays of sunlight began to spread across Gaara's room, one of which landed by his eyes. He grumbled in irritation before slowly opening his eyes to see Hana laying down at his side. She had her hands at his chest while one of his arms was wrapped protectively around her waist. He smiled softly at her; her hair lightly ruffled from tossing a bit in her sleep. A couple strands of hair were on her face, but she was even more beautiful that way. He sighed happily, the love of his life was so peaceful in his arms. Soon enough he heard her start mumbling.

"Damn sunlight, waking me up and shit." Gaara couldn't help but let out a chuckle from her behavior. She opened her eyes and seemed shocked to see him.

"Gaara! What are you doing here- this is not my room." She said, now taking notice of where she is.

"Good morning to you too." He said before kissing her forehead.

"Good morning love." She said sweetly as she kissed his surprised lips. He couldn't help but hold her tightly in his arms at that moment. She truly was his sunlight in this world of darkness. He heard small laughter from her before she wiggled her arms from his chest so she could wrap them around his torso.

"If you lovebirds are done breakfast is ready!" yelled Temari from the stairwell. Hana laughed as she slid out of bed to stretch. Gaara did the same. He handed her a t-shirt with a raccoon meme on it for her to change. She quickly changed in the bathroom while he changed into his Kazekage robes in his room. Once finished, the pair walked to the dining room to find a grumpy Kankuro and a beaming Temari.

"So how are my lovebirds doing?" she asked happily.

"Pssh, lovebirds." muttered Kankuro, catching Hana by surprise.

"Is something the matter Kankuro?" She asked.

"Yeah, that you're dating my brother."

"Kankuro!" Temari scolded. Kankuro just huffed and left to the kitchen, but not before saying "you better take good care of him." Hana stood there in shock, Gaara on the other hand was ready to punch Kankuro until his teeth rattled. Hana simply held Gaara's balled up shaking fist to calm him down and later helped Temari set up breakfast. 

Gaara knew something was odd. Kankuro was furious that they were dating, that much is obvious. But why didn't he put up a fight? Knowing Kankuro he would've tried to talk with Hana before him, so why is he acting this way?

Breakfast was rather quiet as the tension slowly grew. Hana kept her head down, preferring not to look at the man across from her, Kankuro. She could understand that he was upset because now she won't be his date for the wedding, but, the aspect of being in what she assumes to be a love triangle is confusing to the poor girl. After breakfast Kankuro swiftly left to go on patrol, dropping a book in the process.

"Kankuro wait!" Yelled Temari but it was too late. She sighed  and said "I really have to go finish planning for the decorations."

"I can put it in Kankuro's room if you'd like. The bakery doesn't open for another hour so I have time." Hana said. 

"Thanks you're a life saver!" squealed Temari as she dashed out the door with Shikamaru. Gaara was washing the dishes when Hana went to put the book away. She entered his messy room, scrolls lying along the floor, two half made puppets leaning on a desk that was cluttered with wood shavings, etc. She shook her head and before she could set the book down she tripped on a scroll. 


"Owww..." She whined as she kicked the scroll away. As she turned her head to the side, she could see under Kankuro's bed. And saw a thin red book. With an odd photo on it. It was of a shirtless ninja, with a look of lust in his eyes. With a quirked eyebrow and her curiosity getting the best of her she pulled it out. She was able to read the headline, "Sexy Gays on the Prowl." She immediately dropped the book and wiped her hands. She isn't disgusted of gays, she's disgusted of what he would be using the book for (like jacking off). So Kankuro is gay?


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