Chapter Thirty-One

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Gaara POV:

"We should be reaching them soon." I sit down with them, lost in thought. What if they've already made it to the post? What if Hana... Kami, I can't think of that. I just have hope that she's still okay. She is strong. I have no doubt in my mind about it, but I can't help but lose focus every time she's in danger. I can't keep doing that. I need to focus. For all our sake.

"Gaara, I think I see something." I turned to Kankuro who was signalling to a part of the forest that was less dense than before. It didn't take long before I could hear a scream. 


Hana POV:

"G-get off of m-me..." I growled at him. He keeps rubbing himself against me and as disgusting as it is my body keeps betraying me. I hate this, I hate this so much. 

"Don't lie, your hips say everything I need to hear." Sora whispered as he dragged his teeth by my shoulder. I couldn't stop the moan that came out. I felt tears burning my cheek as I looked away from him. "That's it, just give up already. Before it gets really painful..." I feel so hopeless. I can't even kick him anymore. 

"Just s-stop....p-pl-please.." I hate stuttering. Just end this. I force my eyes shut as I try to calm down and think back; back to anything to help stop thinking about my heat. I can't let him win. I remember Gaara when we first met, he was so different. And I was a nervous mess. I remember when he took me out on our first date. We were both so nervous we looked like red tomatoes. I remember the first time we napped together, how he held me in his arms and I felt so safe. In his arms, no harm could ever come to me.

"I love hearing you beg, and pretty soon you'll be begging me to keep going. There's no stopping this you got it? You can't stop a heat. And you're not gonna stop me..."

This can't be the end of it. I can't find my mate so soon just to be ripped away from him. I don't want this. I hate this. I hate all of this. I can't even fucking move. I can't have my life end like this...

I try to put as much force into my wrists as possible and lift my body upward, freeing my legs for a second. I wince as I feel the pressure on my wrists cause rope burn and some bleeding. Sora takes a step back in surprise. I take the chance and kick him back before using my sharpened teeth to gnaw at the rope. Sora wipes the dirt off him before he calmly walks towards me and grabs a hold of my legs again and yanks me downward. He pulled me down so fast I started bleeding from my mouth. 

"Creative, but stupid. Do you really think you'd get out of this?" Ignoring him, I keep moving my legs and arms, while trying to bite his stupid face. "For fucks sake you look like you're feral!" He spat while trying to keep my legs locked around him. He gets more and more irritated with me, until he punches me right in the face. "There, now shut the fuck up!"

I look up at him for a moment. I'm at my breaking point. There's no way I'm getting out of this. I spit on his face, my blood mixed with saliva sliding down his cheek. I inhale deep before I let out what I assume won't be my last scream of agony. I feel my scream resonate to my core.

Gaara POV:

"HANA!!!" I can't help but scream as I see her. She's tied to a tree by...Sora. This bastard. The men nod to me before jumping off and hiding in the trees as backup. I leap off my cloud of sand and dive straight towards them. Quickly I take out a kunai and throw it to cut the rope binding her. I see her force herself away from him just before I land. I feel the earth shake as I land right next to this bastard. He looks scared. Good. 

"Well you took your sweet time getting here-"

"Move." I push him aside as I go to Hana. My love, she's covered in scratches and bruises; her breathing is heavy and her cheeks are tinted pink. "My love, I missed you." I pull her in for an embrace and hold her. "I'm so sorry I'm late, can you ever forgive me?" I whisper into her ear. I'm a little surprised at not hearing a response. "Hana? What's wrong-" I feel her grip onto me as her breathing gets more labored.

"Gaara....h-heat..." I look down at her and the moment she looked at me I could smell it. Oh Kami, it smells so good I- no, I need to focus. I have to get her out of here first.

"It's alright, we're going home. You're sa-"

"Oi! And where exactly do you plan on taking my mate? She's mine! It's already been decided!" I shut my eyes and sigh before letting go of Hana. I leave her with my bag of supplies and first aid as I walk to this poor excuse of a man.

"She is my mate. I am taking her to where she will be happy. You have no business with her. Now leave. This will be my only warning. Much more than what you deserve." I clenched my fists to keep my composure. 

"Or what?! You think I'm going to give up my mate that easily? Not a chance." I watch as he leans down on all fours as he transforms into a panther. I let him take his time. He pounces at me only to have my sand swat him against the very tree where he hurt my Hana. I won't hesitate to kill him. Not after what he did to her. I gather my sand together as he transforms back into himself. "You fucking bastard." He spits blood on the ground and faces me. He tries to fight me one on one. I stand absolutely still and have my sand block his every move while I occasionally throw a shuriken at him. No where vital, just enough to cause him pain. I let him tire himself before I drop my sand. I watch as his breathing gets heavier, his clothes ripped and stained with his own blood. His hair is disheveled and he looks almost feral at this point. He tries to lunge at me again. I grab him by the side of his head and shove him to the ground. I kneel down by him so he can hear me, my hand still holding on to his head.

"You'll never be enough for Hana. Now die." I walk off to see Hana. As I hear him stand up I slowly ball my hand into a fist while I turn Hana away. She doesn't need to see this. I softly say "Sand coffin." He starts sputtering and trying to breathe the moment my sand encases him. I leave him like that as I pick up Hana in my arms. She looks so weak- bruised, starved, scared. I turn away from him, and before I continue to walk away I finish him.

"Sand burial." Die. May all of Hana's suffering end with you.

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