Chapter Nine

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Third Person POV:

Gaara's eyes widened at her, his tears still staining his cheeks.

"But how? W-we barely know each other. I was a monster not too long ago. I never h-had this f-feeling before. And it terrifies me." He admitted before looking away, too ashamed to see her face of surprise.

"But, what are you talking about?" She asked softly. Hana waited a moment before she sat beside him, wiping her cheek before placing a hand on his chin to turn him around.

"You were never a monster. What happened with Shukaku was beyond your control."

Gaara still wouldn't look at her. His breathing still slightly erratic.

"Please look at me Gaara."
And at once he looked at her, his eyes still full or worry. He looked like a trembling child; so afraid, and so lost and confused. But there he was, giving her his attention.

"Gaara, you mean so much to me. You've been hurting all these years because of something that wasn't your fault. You weren't given the choice of being a jinchuuriki, but you still had to bear with it. That takes more courage and strength than the bravest shinobi could ever have. And the way you took care of my siblings shows you have a heart. A big one. One so big it holds all of suna and even some of konoha. I am your soulmate, but even before I knew that, I always admired you. Someone who was hurt by the village now fights to protect it by all costs. That to me says you know a lot about love."

"I'm not talking about that love!" He shrieked, tearing away from his beloved.

"For the first time in my life I feel this love that I can't control. I've been betrayed by an entire village and the pain was unbearable..... I can't imagine what the pain would be like if...if-"

"If I were to betray you." She finished. She stayed silent for a moment before cautiously wrapping her fingers around his hand. He jolted and looked at it, perplexed by her action.

"Do you know why I came here? It's because the moment you felt sad, I felt it. Our bond has grown much faster than the normal couple. Usually it would take weeks before others develop that. That means, that our love is eternal. It means that even in our next lives we'll be each other's soulmate."

Gaara's eyes widened in disbelief. She smiled gently while nodding her head.

"I hope that will help with your worries. When I found out you were my soulmate, honestly I was petrified. Me, the one for the ruler of the entire freaking village? Gaara of the sand, Suna's most popular bachelor with at least a thousand fangirls and more power than any other shinobi I've ever seen. And me? A civilian who bakes and spends her pastimes baking until the sun sets and spending time with family. I'm no hero like you. I'm not worthy of having you as my soulmate."

The hand that was wrapped in Hana's finger suddenly gripped her hand fully before answering.

"Not worthy? You showed me all this love in one day and you say you aren't worthy? Hana, I'm never going to be an outgoing boyfriend that can be your date for a club or something of the sort. I can't be the one you deserve, but I will try my hardest to be good to you. I swear it." He finally stopped crying and his face changed from confused to determined. Hana smiled, a couple tears streaming down her now lightly dusted pink cheeks. She leaned on his shoulder before saying:

"I guess we both have our worries."

"We'll work on it." He said, his breathing slowly going back to normal.

Suddenly there was a hard knocking on the door followed by Kankuro saying "Gaara you alright?!" Through the door. The siblings were aware of his anxiety attacks but Gaara preferred to deal with it alone. Until Hana showed up. She had managed to calm him down in less than five minutes, whereas it'd take him half an hour at least until he could calm down.

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