Chapter Twelve

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Third Person POV:

Throughout the day Hana was growing curiouser and curiouser about that magazine she found under Kankuro's bed. So he was gay? This made no sense. Then why did he ask her to be his DATE to the wedding?! Is he hiding it? Oh Kami.

Sweet Kami he's still in the closet. Of course! All those women! He's been forcing himself on women to hide his sexuality. No one would think a womanizer is gay! She had to admit he was very clever. But still, why hide it?

Hana's mind kept wandering to that all day while working in the bakery. Why would he hide it? Was someone bullying him? I mean homosexuality isn't illegal. I mean Daisuke is gay and he's proud of it. Hell for the day he came out of the closet to his parents he asked me to make a rainbow cake to celebrate! Why would he-

The chimes on the door rang, signalling another customer. Hana peered out to see and saw a shinobi.

"Welcome to the Lonely Rose Bakery how may I help you?" Chiharu asked.

"I have a message for Miss Hana from the Kazekage." He said.

"Ah I see, what is the message?" Hana said as she moved to the counter.

"The Kazekage wishes you to join him for a stroll in the park this evening once the bakery is closed. He says he shall be picking you up straight from the bakery."

"I see. Well tell him I'll be waiting then." She said with a smile. That Gaara. Such a romantic. Hana sighed happily while returning to her work.

After work, just before she finished wiping the counter she heard a knock on the locked door. She turned to see her beloved waiting with a small box in his hands.

She smiled and quickly got her bag before running to meet him.

"I missed you." She said while hugging his waist.

"We saw each other this morning." He said with a laugh.

"But that was this morning. I missed you."

"I missed you too my rose." She smiled before going on her tiptoes to kiss him on the lips.

"Come on, I want to show you something." He said before sliding his right arm that held the box, around her waist.

"What is it?" She asked. The redhead simply leaned down by her ear and whispered "Hold on." With his left hand he summoned his sand to form a cloud underneath them. Hana gasped before clinging onto his waist as the cloud made them rise into the air. She kept her eyes shut until she heard her lover sigh. She slowly opened her eyes to see his shoulders relaxed and a small smile playing at his lips.

"I love flying like this. It gives me some alone time to be myself."

Hana smiled and nodded before looking at the view; she could see most of Suna and it was beautiful. Children running around laughing, teens sneaking out to go to the clubs, and a few men laughing and joking by the bars.

"It's beautiful."

"Yes, but you are much more beautiful." Hana's cheeks turned pink and buried her face in his chest. "Why are you so perfect?" She muttered.

"Because you're by my side. I, I have a present for you." He said before unwrapping himself from Hana.

"Hmm?" She looked up at him and he placed the blue box with a ribbon in her hand.
"Open it." He said. She lifted the box lid and saw a beautiful sun pendant attached to a silver chain.

"Gaara, this is, amazing! Oh it's so beautiful." He carefully took it out of the box and put it on her before looking her in the eye and saying " It reminded me of you, because you are the sun in my darkness, my light for my shadows, and my hope for my despair. I love you Hana Aozora."

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