Chapter Twenty-two

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A/N: Before I begin this, it's a lot of sex, so if you are a child wanting to know more about sex please don't read this ^_^'   look up actual information. So yeah there's my warning if you still use light up sneakers DO NOT READ

Everyone else enjoy!

Gaara POV:

I look at Hana and all my mind can process is MINE. Her half lidded eyes and open mouth make my crotch feel like it's on fire. I grind harder against her to hear her mewling in pleasure. Her submissive behavior is making me somehow growl and want to claim her as mine any way I can- kissing, licking, nibbling, scenting, anything. Kami I just want to take her here and now...

"G-gaa-araaaa, c-c-condo- ah! condoms...." Hana managed to say. Oops.

I feel a grumble from my throat as I set her down. I quickly go into Kankuro's room and grab the entire box. Kami knows how many we'll need. I hastily grab her in my arms, some primal need to hold her taking over, and take her up the stairs to my room. 

I lay her down on the bed, her body sprawled on the bed sheets as I rip open the first packet. Hana is taking off her shirt when I look away to take off my clothes and put on the condom. When I look up again I see her crawling to me on all fours, naked. Her skin looked soft and glowed with the moonlight. I could see her curves and her hips sway as she moved towards me. Kami sama...I hold the condom in my hand as she takes my cock in her hand and lightly pumps it while licking her lips. Kami sama I'm ready to cum. She hungrily sucks on my tip, eliciting a long groan from me. I grab her hair as she takes more of me in her mouth and the feeling of her hot mouth and tongue is driving me insane. She hollowed her cheeks as she started to move back and forth, her tongue sliding along the underside of my penis. My hips thrusted on instinct, my hand in her hair grabbing it much rougher, I'm so close!

"Kami...." I groan. Did she practice this? Has she... done it before? 

An animalistic side takes over me as I force her deeper onto my cock for pleasure and possible revenge. She is mine, mine.

I feel her gag and let go of her head so she can back up. "S-sorry" I say, still trying to control all of this change in animalistic tendencies.

She continues, going even deeper than before and I can barely take it until I grab her hair again roughly and cum. I felt embarrassed that she tasted it but was surprised to see her swallow it and lick my cock clean. I growl in approval at her action. Kami she'll be the death of me. So obedient, and she's mine, mine.

That look in her eye, like she was looking for approval from me. Her lips were covered in saliva and her eyes were wet, a tear or two daring to fall. She looked so beautiful. 

"Did you like it?" She asked. 

"Yes, very good." I feel my voice shift and suddenly I feel this sudden surge again. My cock gets whiplash just looking at her body, and that look in her eyes- yearning for a touch from me. I can smell her arousal and before I knew it I slide the condom on and pin her to the bed.

"MINE!" I grope her entire body, my hands massaging her butt and thighs while my lips latch onto her nipples. 

"G-ah! Gaaraaaa!" She gasps. I can feels her nails digging into my back as I circle my tongue around her nipples and nibble them to make her moan louder. Her moans alone could make me cum for days. Her skin is so soft and her breasts are so plump oh Kami. 

Hana POV:

Oh dear Kami sama, he's incredible. My legs are trembling from the amount of pleasure I'm feeling. I let out a soft whine when he grips my thighs to separate them for more room. 

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