Chapter Thirteen

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Hana POV:

"Hey Daisuke can I ask you for a favor?"

Daisuke turned from the oven and placed the trays of bread before shutting the oven door and walking to Hana, wiping the flour off his cheek in the process.

"Sure thing what's up?"

"I have a friend who needs a good pep talk."

"Pep talk? About what?"

"Well.... he's gay. But he's had a rough time with it so he shut himself in the closet. I was hoping you could help-"

"Say no more sweet cakes I got this. Who's the timid one?"

".... it's a surprise. He should be here soon though. You can take the day off to help him out."

"Yay! Can I take a cookie to go?"

Hana laughed before nodding. He squealed before he took one and shoved it in his mouth before heading out to one of the tables to wait for the mystery guy.

Daisuke POV:

So this guy.....the mystery gay. Hmmmmm, who could it be? Probably young if he knows Hana. Ooh! Since she's spent all this time with the Kazekage maybe it's someone near him! My mind is swirling in curiosity as I munch on my cookie. Who is this mystery guy?

I stomp my feet while I shut my eyes. There's so many guys in Suna there's no way I would guess right! Dang it. Eventually I hear the door chime and immediately stand up to see who it is. It's a couple. Damn it. I slump back down in my chair in disappointment. I hear the chime again and scramble out of my seat again to see. Three girls. Never mind. I just pull my phone out to message a friend in the meantime while I wait. After a few messages and two fits of laughter I hear the chime again. This time I ignore it because I don't want to look like an idiot for the third time.

"Kankuro-kun nice to see you!" Said Hana as she walked out to greet him. Awww he's probably got a message from the Kazekage! That Gaara can be such a sweetheart when it comes to Hana. Oh, I guess not because he's heading Me? ME?!


"YOU?!" I accidentally yell. Oh crap. Way to go Daisuke.

"Umm, hi first of all. Second of all why did you scream?" He asked as he held his ears as if I yelled right into them.

"S-sorry about that. I'm Daisuke, nice to meet you Kankuro-san."

"Look if you're the one giving me a pep talk just take off the titles."

"Oh, well dang alright. Well kanky, off we go!"

"Kanky?-" I put my arm around his and run out of the bakery to our first stop- the Fujimora lounge.

"What are we doing here?" Kankuro asks as he rudely slides his arm out of my grasp.

"Well mister, the big issue for you is that your pride was hurt, so you feel like what you feel is bad and should be hidden. But today I'm gonna boost your confidence. So here we are: the Fujimora lounge is famous not only for their nifty coffee and barista skills, but for their clientele. Their clients are predominantly gay, so today I will be your wing man and get you a free coffee." I say proudly with a big smile on my face and my hand on my hips.

"I don't think that's-"

"Oh you'll be fine don't worry. Besides these are the nice upperclassmen gays, not the younger raunchy bozos. Now come on let's get going!" I say enthusiastically while he glumly follows. We stop in the bathroom for step one.

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