Chapter Eighteen

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After the dancing and a couple of toasts, Temari yelled out "Time for the bouquet toss!"

All the girls scrambled to the center awaiting to snatch the bouquet to be the next one to get married. Temari looked behind her and smiled before tossing the bouquet in the air.

"Aren't you going up there?" Gaara asked.

"Nah" answered Hana. "I don't need to grab the bouquet to know I'm going to marry you one day" she finished with a smile. Gaara couldn't help but blush. He couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with her.

"I love y- Oh!" Cried Hana as the bouquet landed on her lap. She laughed as Gaara blushed even more and she could hear some of the girls disappointed whines while others cooed at the couple. Hana blushed while holding the bouquet in the air for all to see.The crowd laughed and clapped at the outcome and toasted to the "next couple".

After the cutting of the cake and the smudges of cake still on their faces, Temari and Shikamaru were going to leave the party to head to the hotel for their honeymoon to start. Hand in hand they walked down the path that led to the carriage. The sky fell into a dark blue haze as night fell, the stars watching over them. The crowd was aligned on the sides of the path with sparklers, cheering them on as they started to run through the crowd laughing and smiling as much as their cheeks could bear. Shikamaru led Temari to the carriage and helped her with her dress before he jumped in. Their eyes sparkled in the night and with the glow of the moonlight they looked like gods.

The crowd waved and wished them well as the carriage began to move and the horses trotted towards the hotel. Hana waved with the bouquet still in her hand as Gaara had his arm around her waist, his eyes never leaving her form.

He couldn't stop thinking about the day he could be her loving husband. Seeing her everyday, cooking for her even though he knew was an awful cook. He wanted to dance with her, and cuddle with her every night. She became his everything and he became hers. They exchanged glances and smiled, Hana leaning on his shoulder.

In the background Kiba eyed Chiharu as she helped some kids with their sparklers.

"Well hi there, I'm Kiba." He said with a sly smile, his canines showing.

She laughed before saying "I'm Chiharu."

"And I'm her boyfriend." Said Akihiro as he wrapped an arm protectively around Chiharu's waist, his eyes sending daggers at the threat of Kiba.

"Woah there, sorry I didn't know. See ya!" Said Kiba as he walked away and headed toward a group of girls giggling. Jack pot.

Chiharu looked at Akihiro and could see him still glaring at Kiba's direction. Only when he realized she was looking at him did he realize what he did and blushed furiously, slowly retrieving his arm from her waist.

"Sorry, I-I didn't mean to interrupt, I just-"

"That was hot."


"Took you long enough." She said as she wrapped an arm around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. He replied instantly by pulling her closer to him and smashing his lips against hers. When they needed air they parted and looked at each other lovingly.

"IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME!!" Yelled Hana and Daisuke as they witnessed their coworkers finally get their unofficial relationship out in the open and became official. Kankuro chuckled as he held Daisuke's hand. Gaara face palmed trying to hold in his laughter. He formed a straight face before picking up Hana in his arms like she was Simba and he simply said "alright time to go home."

Hana squealed and tried to wiggle out of his arms with no success. In the end he just carried her bridal style while saying goodbye to the others. He teleported to his home and set Hana down before falling on the couch in a fit of laughter.

Her cheeks were puffed up and she pouted as she saw him laughing like a nine year old who just pulled the prank of the year. She couldn't help but smile at seeing him have the time of his life, even if she was the punchline. She transformed into her red panda self before pouncing on his stomach, cutting his laugh short with an 'oof'.

"You should have seen your face." He said as he started laughing again.

Hana just gave up and laid on his chest as he rubbed her back. Eventually Gaara stopped laughing but kept his smile as he saw getting sleepy. She was so adorable.

"Hana, did you want to sleep over?"

She opened her eyes to make eye contact before nodding. After a day of running around, dancing, singing karaoke, and getting emotional from seeing a happy couple, you get tired.

Gaara simply sat up, letting Hana cling to his shoulders as he dialed his 'mom' as Hana's mom liked to be called.

"Hello? Hello, Mrs. Aozo- mom, sorry. I was wondering if it was okay for Hana to spend the night, seeing as it is getting late....Okay, thank you very much. Good night."

"She said yes." And Hana squealed with glee as she grabbed her clothes and scrambled to the bathroom downstairs to change in. Once ready she hopped out and plopped down next to her beloved.

"Ugh, my feet hurt." She said as she rubbed her feet. Gaara grabbed her feet and turned her to her side as he began massaging them.

"I'll do yours if you do mine."


And like a married couple they watched over each other until it was time to go to sleep.

"Love, I think it's time we went to bed." Said Hana as she stood up and stretched a little.

"But the couch is warm and cozy..." Whined the kazekage as he refused to stand.

"Since when is the all mighty kazekage whining?" She said with a laugh. He joined in the laughter before standing up and bending a bit back to crack his back.

"That felt nice." He sighed after cracking his back. If Hana learned one thing about Gaara it's that whenever he wants to relax he'll usually crack some part of himself. It was a little weird sometimes but hey if that's his thing...

They both soon head upstairs to change into pajamas before spooning under the bed sheets.

"Nighty night my love."

"Sweet dreams my rose."

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