Chapter Thirty-Nine

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A/N: So I decided to add the wedding chapter before moving on to the epilogue XD I'm a stinker hahaha!

The wedding was today. Hana woke up gently from her room, stretching her tiny legs before hopping off the hammock, noting how it might be the last time she uses that hammock. Or this room. You could hear her paws patter around the room as she paced, nervous about the big event today. She huffed lightly before transforming back to a human. She put on some undergarments before taking a look at her belly. She still wasn't showing, seeing as how she was a mere few weeks along. She smiled softly as she rubbed her stomach. She put on a simple dress that can slide off from the bottom so she can get her hair and makeup done easily (Temari learned this trick the hard way on her wedding day when they had to cut her shirt to get her out of it without ruining her hair).

"Good morning!!!!" Yelled her mom as she walked in. "It's wedding day!!" She squealed as she put her hands on Hana's shoulders.

"I know, I can't believe it's today!" Hana squealed with her mom as they scurried downstairs. Her mother was always on top of things. She made a quick brunch buffet of finger sandwiches, mini pancakes, and croissants. Hana couldn't help but laugh as she noticed the orange juice was in sippy cups.

"Sippy cups? Really ma?" She said before laughing a little. 'I get I'm their baby getting married, but this is a little exaggerated' she thought with a laugh.

"What? I don't want the bridesmaids to spill anything last minute!" Retorted her mom, making them both laugh as they imagined the bridesmaids using sippy cups. A knock was heard at the door, followed by a few more different knocks. Hana opened the door to reveal her bridesmaids and maid of honor. They all said good morning in a sing songy voice as they came with their dresses in hand as well as other accessories.

Gaara spared no expense for their wedding, hiring a professional makeup and hair stylist who came with an assistant to also work on the bridesmaids. They set up things downstairs, the makeup and hair duo working in the living room while the other bridesmaid waiting were in the dining room either eating brunch or using the bathroom and kitchen sink to do their skin routines, not having done so at home.

Gaara on the other hand was at his home, also awake. He was shaking like a leaf from the wedding jitters. Most of the gang from Konoha was back as groomsmen, as well as Kankuro as his best man. The men were the only ones there, seeing as Temari was one of Hana's bridesmaids. The men came over and were relaxing for a bit, while Gaara was fumbling over something as simple as his buttons for his dress shirt. Naruto chuckled a bit before patting Gaara's back. He said "I got you" before buttoning his shirt.

"T-thanks..." he said before rubbing the nape of his neck.

"No problem! Man I remember my wedding day, I was so nervous I almost dropped the rings! Man that would've been really bad!" Naruto said with a laugh, remembering his miraculous day with his wife.

"How do you do it?"

"Hmm?" Said Naruto with his mouth full of breakfast food.

" do you find the strength to be confident on your wedding day?" Said Gaara as he looked away from Naruto, a little nervous having even asked the question.

"Easy. Forget about everyone else. You're marrying her because you love her right?" Gaara nodded without hesitation.

"Then just remember this day is about you and her, nobody else. You're gonna look great, she's gonna look amazing, and you guys are going to get married to live a happy life!" Naruto ended his pep talk with a smile.
Gaara thanked him for his advice as they went back to snacking and chatting while getting ready.

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