Chapter 11

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Josie's pov
Marty and I finally make it to Doc's house.Marty checks the address against the phone book page:it matches.Marty and I rush to the front door of the house.Marty and I run up to the door,he pounds on the door knocker.We heard a barking dog from within,"is that Einstein?no way,that would me he'd be really old,Doc must've had another dog before Einstein."I thought.then young Doc Brown opens the door,He's wearing an outrageous contraption on his head:a bizarre conglomeration of vacuum tubes, rheostats, gauges, wiring and antennas;but there can be no doubt that it's the same Doc Brown,some 30 years younger.

Beside him is another dog,definitely not Einstein.Marty and stare at Brown's weird head gear, Brown yank us inside."Don't say a word!"he said to us inside,"Quiet, Copernicus! Down, boy!"he said to the dog."huh,I never knew Doc had a dog named Copernicus."I thought as Doc attached  a suction cup to Marty's forehead which is connected to a wire into Brown's contraption."Dr. Brown, I really--"Doc cut me off,"No, don't tell me anything: I'm going to read his thoughts."he said,he flips a switch on his "Brain Wave Analyzer." Tubes hum to life, and sparks jump from antenna to antenna. Doc concentrates, as if he's picking up brain waves.

"Let's see've come here... from a great distance...."Marty nods,maybe this thing does work!"...because you...want buy a subscription to Saturday Evening Post!"spoke too soon."No--"Doc cuts Marty off,"Don't tell me!"he takes another moment."Donations! You're collecting donations for the Coast Guard Youth Auxiliary!"he said,"No."Marty and I both said."Are you here because you want to use the bathroom?"he asked,"Well I wanted to but not anymore."i admitted."Dr. Brown, listen:we're from the future.we came here in a time machine you invented--and now we desperately need you to help me get back to the year 1985."Marty explained,Doc stares at us in utter amazement for a moment.

"My God. Do you know what this means?"He pauses dramatically,then removes the contraption from his head."That means that this damned thing doesn't work at all!"he throws the machine down,"6 months labor for nothing! Where did I go wrong?"he said dramatically."Dr. Brown, you've gotta help us! You're the only one in the world who knows how your time machine works!"i said,Doc knits his brow and rubs a bandage on his forehead."Time machine? I haven't invented any time machine."Doc said,"You will. Look, I'll prove it to you..."Marty and pull out our wallets."Look,here's my driver's license."Marty shows his license to Doc,"and here's mine."I show mine to him,"Expires 1987. See my birthdate? I haven't even been born yet!"Marty said."same for my license-Wait yours expires in 1987?thats weird,mine expires in 1988."i said,"focus Josie."Marty said."right right."i said,Marty pulled out a picture of him and his siblings.

"Here's a picture of me, my sister and my brother. Look at her sweatshirt: it says "Class of '84.""Doc looks the items over."Pretty mediocre photographic fakery--they cut off your brother's head."he said,"wait what?I've seen this picture so many times,Ive never seen the head cut off."I thought."Please, Doc, you've gotta believe us!we're telling the truth!"Marty begged,"Then tell me, "future boy and girl," who's the President of the United States in 1985?"he asked us."Ronald Reagan."we both replied,"Ronald Reagan, the actor?"Doc asked in a shocked tone.we both nodded,he rolled his eyes."And who's the Vice President? Jerry Lewis? That's the most "insane thing I've ever heard."he picks up the Brainwave Analyzer blueprints and rushes out the back door.

Marty and I immediately follow after him,he runs across the lawn, toward the garage, with the Brainwave Analyzer blueprints in hand.
Marty and I chase after him."I suppose Jane Wyman is first lady, and Jack Benny is Secretary of the Treasury."Brown runs up the garage door and opens it. Marty and I comes up behind him.Please, Doc, listen to us!"I begged,he turns around and faced us."I've had enough of your practical jokes for one evening. Good night, "Future Boy and girl.""Brown slams the door in his face,We heard it lock.
Marty and I stands there for a moment,then his face lit up.

"Dr. Brown--that bruise on your head! I know how you got it! It happened this morning! You fell off your toilet and hit your head on the sink! And then you come up with the idea of the Flux Capacitor, which is the heart of the Time Machine!"he yelled at the closed door.After a moment,we heard the door unlock.Doc opens the door, looks at me and Marty with new interest and rubs his bandaged head."Doc, how else could I know that unless I was from the future?"he asked Doc,"does she know this too?"he asked Marty."I do Doc."I replied,Doc hesitates.then he says,"Take me to this time machine."

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