Chapter 79

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Josie's pov
Doc backed up into the goons,looking more worried then me.Marty's hand hovered over his gun,as did Buford's."Draw!"Mad Dog said,they stared each other down:ready to duel."No!"Marty called back,he unclipped the belt from his body and dropped it to the floor."I swear I'm going to murder him."I whispered to myself,wincing in pain due to my ankle.i shifted my weight to the other side,"I thought we could settle this like men."Marty said."oh come on babe,this isn't high school!"I thought,"wrong answer runt!"Mad Dog said.he drew his gun and fired a bullet at Marty,who was hit in the chest.i watched in horror as Marty fall backwards into the dirt,"NO!"I screamed as I brought a hand to my mouth.

Tears rolled down my cheeks,I tried to run to Marty(despite how much pain I was in)but doc pulled me back.he was rubbing my arms in an attempt to calm me down,but I couldn't calm down.i lost my best friend,the love of my life,the guy I wanted to have a future I looked at his body I noticed a slight movement in his knees,I immediately looked at Doc.could it be?we watched as Marty kicked the gun out of Tannen's hand,he then jumped onto his feet.everyone gasped and cheered,including me and Doc.Buford punched his stomach and began to scream,Marty gave a proud look:revealing a bullet proof vest he made out of scraps.

He pulled it off and smacked Tannen in the back of the head with it,forcing him onto the ground.Marty then decked him powerfully,once,twice.and on the third time he knocked him into a tombstone,Martin McFly then delivered the final blow and punched him into a pile of manure.Doc and I moved towards where Marty was standing at the front of the group of people,"Look."Doc said.he pointed at the tombstone,Marty immediately pulled the picture out.we looked at it,the stone disappeared completely.we looked at each other,"we did it!"he exclaimed,he passionately kissed me.when we separated,I could tell he noticed I was looking a bit different.

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