Chapter 86

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No one's pov
Marty paced the small length of Josie's hospital room anxiously,waiting for information on her injury.he looked at the girl he loved so much,laying still unconscious in the bed.he shook his head,before sitting back down next to her and holding her hand.before he could say anything,the doctor and nurses walked in."this is her,"the doctor said to the first nurse who was carrying a clipboard,"Sir unless you are immediate family we must ask you to leave."the other nurse said to Marty.he shook his head,beginning to feel overwhelmed."no,no,no,no I can't do that:if she wakes up and I'm not here she's going to panic."he begged,the doctor and nurses all looked at each other."please leave the room for a few minutes sir,call her parents."the doctor said,Marty looked back at Josie.

He stood up and kissed her forehead,"I'll be right back Jo,I promise."he whispered,not wanting to leave.he walked out the door and sat in the waiting room,leaning backwards and staring at the ceiling.he couldn't call her parents,they'd totally freak out.he closed his eyes,letting a few tears fall.Now,he only had her.Doc was gone,he had a new life now.he assumed he had Einstein,but how much could the dog truly relate to him?Marty McFly didn't know what he would do without Josie.He set his face in his hand,leaning onto his knees.after ten minutes of anxious thoughts he stood up and walked back to the room,he walked in to see a wire connecting Josie to a bag of blood.

The doctor looked up and noticed him,"we need a little more time sir."he said politely.Marty shook his head,"please let me stay."Marty said quietly.he didn't know if it was the broken voice,the tear stained face,or the determination that convinced the doctor.But nevertheless,he allowed Marty into the room as he cleaned Josie's ankle.Marty held her hand tightly,he then felt her shaking."I think she's waking up."the nurse said,Marty stood up.he set his hands down on her arms and rubbed them up and down,she began to breath heavily.then,she woke up.

Josie's pov
"Hey,Hey,Hey,Hey babe it's me."Marty said calmly."We'll leave you two alone for a moment."a man said,the other adults in the room I was in walked out with him."Am I in the hospital?"I thought as Marty separated my hair from my face,"what's going on?"I asked as I tried to look around.Marty helped me sit up,"what do you remember?"he asked.i looked at him,I then had a realization."It was all real,right?"I asked,he nodded."how's your ankle?"he asked,I looked down at my foot."it feels weird."I replied,referring to the tingling I was feeling.i then saw Marty start to freak out,"It doesn't really hurt though."i quickly corrected myself.

"Good."Marty said,I looked around the room."they stitched it up pretty well."he said,"Marty,where's Doc?"I asked.he looked down,then he held my hand with both of his hands."he's not here Josie."he said,I gave him a confused look."what do you mean?"I asked,Marty took a deep breath.he explained everything I missed after I passed out due to losing too much blood,"and the DeLorean?"i asked."destroyed."he replied,"but-"I began to tear up at the thought of never seeing Doc ever again.Marty sat next to me in the bed,wrapping his arms around my body and pulling me close."Hey,Hey,'s ok,it's all going to be ok.Doc's with Clara now,that's what he wanted."Marty said,"God,that was a rollercoaster."i said.Marty laughed,"and no one will believe it."he said.

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