Chapter 57

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No ones pov
Josie grabbed the hem of Marty's jacket,pulling him down next to her."Josie's what's w-"Marty then saw what she saw and widened his eyes as well,"oh-oh god,"she said."Doc!"she yelled,"Doc!"Marty repeated.Doc heard their screams and began to run to the two teenagers,"Quick!"they yelled."What's wrong?"Doc asked,you two look like you've seen a ghost."he pointed out.Josie gulped,"you're not too far off Doc."she said.she pointed at a tombstone with her flashlight,Doc's tombstone!"Great Scott!"Doc exclaimed,"Check this out."Marty said."Died September 7th,1885."he read the tombstone,"that's one week after you write the letter!"Josie said."erected in loving memory by his beloved Clara."Marty continued to read,"who's Clara?"Josie asked.

"Kids please,don't stand there!"Doc exclaimed,Marty and Josie both looked down at the same time."right!"they both exclaimed,moving the other way."I gotta get another picture."Marty said,he took out his camera and took a picture."Shot in the back by Buford Tannen...over a matter of 80 dollars?what kind of future do you call that?"Doc asked,"I don't know Doc."Josie said."But we're gonna find out."Marty said confidently,Josie nodded.

Josie's pov
"Buford Tannen was a notorious gunman whose short temper and a tendency to drool earned him the nickname 'Mad Dog'"Marty read from an old book,"he was quick on the trigger and bragged that he had killed 12 men,not including Indians and chinamen."I continued."Does it mention me?"Doc asked from across the room,"just a minute."i said and raised my index finger."However:this claim can not be substantiated,since precise records were not kept after Tannen shot a newspaper editor who printed an unfavorable story about him in 1884."I finished reading,"so that's why we can't find anything."Marty said.we stood in the middle of the dark library,"Look!"Doc exclaimed.

He held out a picture to us,"William McFly and family."he said."your relatives?"i asked,"yep,my great grandfathers name is William."Marty replied."that's him right there."he said,pointing at a man."woah,cool beans."i said,we closed the book(it's called a History of Hill Valley)."McFlys,But no Browns."Doc said solemnly,"Maybe it was a mistake Doc."Marty said."Yeah Doc,Maybe that grave wasn't yours.i mean,there could've been another Emmett Brown in 1885."i said,"No."Doc said absentmindedly as he flipped through pages in a book and looked at papers."Did you have any families here back then?"Marty asked,"the Browns didn't come to Hill Valley until 1908,they were the Von father changed our name during the First World War."Doc explained.

I decided to curiously move a piece of paper,it's a good thing I did:because when I moved it it revealed a picture of Doc!i gasped,"guys look!"I said as I showed the picture."Great Scott!"Doc exclaimed,"It's me!then it's true,all of it.Its me who goes back there and...gets shot."he said."that's not gonna happen Doc."i said,"yeah,after you fix the time circuits and put new tires in the DeLorean we'll go back to 1885 and bring you home."Marty explained his plan."you could get hurt."Doc said,"When has fear ever stopped us before?"i said.

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