Chapter 12

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No one's pov
Marty,Josie,and Doc climb out of Doc's packard with flashlights. Marty and Josie lead Doc toward the hidden DeLorean."There's something wrong with the starter, so we hid it back here."Marty explained to Doc,The abandoned DeLorean is suddenly illuminated by approaching flashlight beams.Doc gasps upon seeing the vehicle,He looks it over with amazement.Now he pulls a folded paper out of his pocket."After I fell off my toilet, I drew this..."It's a sketch of the FLUX CAPICITOR.Marty raises the gull wing door and points out the real thing.Doc stares: It matches his drawing perfectly. His eyes light up and he jumps and shouts with joy."Ha! It works! It works! I finally invent something that works! Let's get this thing back to my laboratory. We've got to get you two home."

Josie's pov
The DeLorean is now in the garage,Marty is hooking the video camera to a TV set while i'm showing Doc his suitcase from 1985,he examines the contents of it."So these are my personal belongings in here, huh?"he asked,"yep."I replied as he pulled out a portable hair dryer."What's this thing?"he asked,"A hair dryer."Marty and I both replied,"A hair dryer? Don't they have towels in the future?"pulls out some underwear,"And this underwear—-it's all made of cotton. I thought for sure we'd all be wearing disposable paper garments by 1985."he then pulls out a playboy magazine."And what's this...?"Doc leaves through it and opens up the centerfold.

"Hey...! Suddenly the future's looking a whole lot better...!"i immediately facepalmed,"Okay, Doc, take a look at this..."Doc and I go to Marty and he rolls the videotape he shot at the mall parking lot in which Doc is explaining the operation of the time machine.Doc is amazed to see himself as an old man,while Marty and I are a bit sad considering this was the last time we saw Doc before he..."Why, that's me! Look at me, I'm an old man! Say, I don't look bad for an old geezer. Thank God I've still got my hair---baldness runs in my family, you know."he said,"But what on earth am I wearing?"he asked,"A radiation suit."we both replied."Of course, because of all the fallout from the atomic wars. This is truly amazing---a portable television studio. No wonder your "president has to be an actor—he's gotta look good on television."

"Watch this-- this is the part coming up..."Marty said,The part of the tape comes up about the plutonium. We see the image of the plutonium container with old Doc next to it."Plutonium?!"i heard Marty and I exclaim on the tape,"You mean this sucker's nuclear?"i heard Marty ask Doc on the tape."Electrical. But I need a nuclear reaction to generate the 1.21 jigowatts of electricity I need..."Doc looked a bit taken a back,"What I just say?"Marty rewinds it a bit and replays it."... I need a nuclear reaction to generate the 1.21 jigowatts of electricity I need..."Doc looked shocked,"1.21 jigowatts? 1.21 jigowatts?? Great Scott!"he exclaims as he runs out of the room.Marty and I looked at each other in confusion.

"Doc? Hey, Doc?"Marty said,we followed him out of his garage and to his house.Doc runs out of the garage and over to the house.We make our way into the house through the back door.We heard Doc talking to someone in the next room.we cautiously approach the next room,Doc is seated in a chair."How could I have been so careless? 1.21 jigowatts. Tom! How am I gonna generate that kinda power? It can't be done, can it?"he's talking to a portrait of Thomas Edison."Plutonium, Doc. All we need is plutonium."Marty said,I nodded in agreement."I'm sure that in 1985, plutonium is available in any corner drug store. But in 1955, it's a little hard to come by."he sighs."Marty,Josie,I'm afraid you're stuck here."he said,Marty and I widened our eyes.

"But we can't be stuck here!"Marty exclaimed,"Don't you understand, Doc?we have lives in 1985!We've gotta get back!"I begged."Doc, you're our only hope!We know you can figure something out,You've never Let me down in the past."Marty said,"You mean in the future."Doc corrected him."Right. And you've always told me that if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything."Marty recited Doc's words,"I said that? Say, that's pretty good advice."he sighed."I'm sorry, Marty and Josie, but 1.21 jigowatts is just too much power. Do you re­alize how much power that is? The only power source capable of trig­gering that kind of energy is a bolt of lightning."my face suddenly lit up,I had an idea.

"What did you just say?"I asked Doc,"A bolt of lightning. Unfortunately, you never know when or where lightning is going to strike."Marty's face lit up as well,he seemed to get was i was trying to lead up to."We do now!"he exclaimed,Marty dug into his pocket and took out the flier that crazy lady gave us when I was going to confess my feeling for him.we show it to Doc,he snaps his fingers.He's getting an idea,"This is it! This is the answer. According to this, lightning is going to strike the clock tower at precisely 10:04 p.m. next Saturday night! If we could somehow harness this it into the flux capacitor... it just might work!"he looks at the portrait of Ben Franklin.

"What do you think of that, Ben? Harness lightning? If you could do it, so can I! It's brilliant!"he then turned to me and Marty,"Next Saturday night, we're sending you back to the future."Marty and I both grinned,"Next Saturday night. You know, spending a week in 1955 won't be so bad. You could show us around, Doc."he said,"That's completely out of the question,kids. You must stay in this house. You can't see anybody or talk to anybody. Anything you do could have serious repercussions on future events. Do you understand?"i gulped,I knew it!"uh...sure..."Marty said,"Marty,Josie,who else did you two interact with today Besides me?"Doc asked us.

I nervously rubbed my arm,"Well, nobody, really. I just sort of bumped into my parents..."Marty said."Great Scott! Let me see that picture again, of your brother!"he said to Marty as he took his wallet and looks at the picture of Marty's siblings,His expression becomes grim."What's the problem?"we both asked at the same time,"It's happened. This proves my theory.Look at your brother"Doc shows him the picture,I take a peek and gasp:Marty's brother Dave has no head!"His head's it's been erased."i said,"Erased from existence..."Doc said.

The next day...

Josie's pov
Doc is giving me and Marty some clothes to help us blend in,"I don't know Doc, this sounds really heavy."Marty said to Doc."Weight has nothing to do with it. It's a simple genetic-mathematical extrapolation. It was your father who was supposed to get hit by that car, not you. Thus, you interfered in your parents' first meeting. If they don't meet, they won't fall in love, they won't get married; if they don't get married, they won't have any kids. That's why your brother's disappearing from that photograph--he's first since he's the oldest. Your sister will follow, and unless you can repair the damage, you'll be next."Doc explained to Marty.

I gulped again,"if that happens I'll never be able to tell Marty my feelings for him,I'll be alone!"I thought."But why do we gotta go to school?"Marty asked him,"You two are kids. Kids go to school. Your parents are kids. They go to school."he pointed at Marty,"You interfered in your parents' relationship, therefore you have to go to school to fix it."Marty and I are now fully dressed in 1955 style clothes.
(Josie's outfit)

Marty looks at himself, touches his hair, and shakes his head

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Marty looks at himself, touches his hair, and shakes his head."Well, if I'm gonna wear a disguise, at least I'm gonna look like Elvis."he starts combing his hair Elvis style,"Elvis? What's Elvis?"Doc asked."You'll find out."I replied,putting my hair in a high ponytail.

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