Chapter 13

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Josie's pov
Hill Valley High looks pretty much the same in 1955, but with no graffiti.There is not much activity in front,so I'm gonna assume school is in session.we approach the school entrance,Marty notices how much cleaner the school looks."Wow, they've really cleaned this place up. It looks brand new."he pointed out,"Remember now, according to my theory, all you have to do is introduce them to each other and nature will take its course."Doc said to Marty,"I hope."he added.we all went inside the school,we went inside and found the classroom Marty's mom was in.he points her out in-the 2nd row,"That's her---in the 2nd row."he said."Ah, yes. I see the resemblance."Doc said,"Marty look!"I said as I pointed at what was happening inside the classroom.

Marty saw what was happening as well,his mom was copying an answer from the boy sitting next to her."My God, she's cheating!"he exclaimed,suddenly the bell rang:it's passing period.classroom doors open and kids begin heading to their next classes,I squeak and hold onto Marty's arm."So which one's your father?"Doc asked Marty,"That's him..."Marty said he pointed at his dad.his dad was walking down the hall,students laugh at him behind his back, and some of the boys kick him in the ass.A kid named Dixon takes particular glee in kicking Marty's dad.his dad turns,He has a "KICK ME" sign hooked on his collar.Doc shakes his head at this pathetic sight."Maybe you're adopted..."he said to Marty,I giggled a bit.

Suddenly a hand yanks George by the arm:it's Mr.Strickland--and he looks exactly the same!Marty and I are amazed."McFly! Shape up, man!"he yelled at Marty's dad as he pulls the sign off his shirt and shows it to him,"You're a slacker! Do you want to be a slacker for the rest of your life?"he scolded Marty's dad,his dad shakes his head unconvincingly."It's Strickland! And he looks exactly the same!"I exclaimed,"Looks like a match made in heaven."Doc said."My mom always said it was meant to be. I sure hope she's right..."Marty said,he took a deep breath and starts walking toward his dad.i gulp,following him to his dad."George! Hey, buddy, you're just the guy I wanted to see! You remember me? I saved your life."Marty said,"Oh...yeah..."his dad said nervously.

"Listen, there's somebody I want you to meet.C'mere..."He pulls him down the hall, around the corner,where his mom is at her locker with her friends."Excuse me, Lorraine..."I said,getting her attention.she turns around and smiled when she sees Marty,"Calvin! I mean, Marty!"she reacted with delight."oh boy this is already failing,ah beans."I thought,"Lorraine, there's somebody I want you to meet. This is my good friend, George McFly. George, this is Lorraine."Marty introduced his parents to each other."Hi. It's really a pleasure to meet you."But Lorraine doesn't pay George the slightest bit of attention,She only has eyes for Marty.

I turned around and gagged a bit,then I turned back around."Oh, Marty, I was so worried about you running off like that the other night with that bruise on your head."she said,"Is it all right?"she asked."Uh, yeah..."he replied,suddenly the bell rang again."I'm late. See you later.She hurries off down the hall, with her girl friends.They pass by Doc.George has run off in the opposite direction.
Marty and I stand in the middle of the hall,he looks completely bewildered.Doc joins us,"She didn't even look at him!"Marty exclaimed.This is more serious than I thought.Apparently your mother is amorously infatuated with you instead of your father."Doc said,I widened my eyes.

"Wait a minute Doc,are you trying to tell me my mother's got the hots for me?"Marty asked,"At the risk of sounding crude, yes."he replied."woah..."I said,"Jeez, Doc, that's pretty heavy."Marty said."There's that word again..."heavy." Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there a problem with the earth's gravitational pull?"Doc asked Marty,"Huh?"Marty said in confusion.Doc then snaps his fingers,"The only way those two are going to successfully mate is if they're alone together. So you've got to arrange to get your father and mother to interact in some sort of social..."he trailed off.i raise an eyebrow in confusion,"You mean a date?"I asked.

"Right!"he exclaimed,"What kind of date?"Marty asked."Marty's got a point Doc,we don't know what kids do in the 50's."i said,They're your parents Marty.You must know them---what are their common interests? What do they like to do together?"Marty thinks for a moment."Nothing!"Marty exclaimed,"he's not wrong"I said to Doc.but he's staring at something,I turn around and saw a hand-painted banner in the hall announcing the "Enchantment Under The Sea Dance" this Saturday night."Look---there's a rhythmic ceremonial ritual coming up."Doc said,pointing at the sign.

Marty sees the sign and has a revelation."That's right! "Enchantment Under The Sea!" They're SUPPOSED to go to that dance--that's where they kiss for the first time!"Marty exclaimed,"All right, kid: you stick to your pop like glue and make sure he takes her to that dance."Doc said to Marty.

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