Chapter 85

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No one's pov
"we just passed 45 Doc,go for it!"the doors of the DeLorean opened,and Marty scooted Josie's body closer to his in order to make room for Doc.he began to move forwards as Marty counted upwards,they then heard the train whistle.Doc looked back to see Clara,"Emmett!"she exclaimed."Clara!"he yelled back,"I love you!"she yelled.Doc smiled widely,"Doc!Doc,What's happening?"Marty asked,Ready for this to be over."its Clara!she's on the train!"Doc explained,"Clara?perfect."he replied.

"she's in the cab!I'm gonna go get her!"Doc said,"the windmill Doc!"Marty called back as he noticed a large windmill outside his window."the windmill!we're going past fifty!you'll never make it!"Marty yelled,"Then We'll have to take her back with us!keep calling out the speed!"Doc yelled back.Marty rolled his eyes,moving Josie so that she was on his lap.he realized that 4 people in a two person car was not ideal,he worryingly looked at Josie's ankle.he checked her pulse again,noticing that it was still stable.he set his head in between her head and her shoulder,"please be ok Jos,I love you."he whispered as he hugged her tightly.

"Clara!Climb out here to me!"

"I don't know if I can!"

You can do it!just don't look down!"Doc yelled,"that's it!"

She moved out of the window,holding onto the train for dear life.she gained balance,moving towards him."sixty miles an hour Doc!"Marty yelled,"you're doing fine,nice and steady!come on,just a little further!"Doc encouraged her."I can't Emmett!I'm scared!"she said,"seventy!"Marty exclaimed."keep coming Clara!"Doc called out,"Come on!Come on!you're doing fine,nice and easy!"Clara reached for Doc's hand."you're doing fine!"he called out,"Doc,the red logs about to blow!"Marty stated,the top of the train blew up:leaving a trail of smoke and fire.

Clara fell backwards,hanging from the train by her feet.she screamed as Doc tried to move towards her,the DeLorean began to spark and titled upwards as Marty held onto Josie tightly.Then,Marty was hit with a brilliant idea."Doc,I'm gonna slip you the hoverboard!"Marty tossed the iconic board towards his friend,"Yes!Yes!"they could see the large sign that read "END OF THE TRACK" in big white letters.this was the moment of truth:Doc grabbed Clara,flying off with her in his arms.Marty shut the door,and was surrounded by a bright light.

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