|Chapter Six|

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A/N - im so proud of myself for writing this chapter super fast, after you guys having to wait two weeks for my previous update (chapter four) i really needed to update so have some KaiSoo/XiuHan/JongKey/TaeKai feels araseo? ~Tyler

Kai chuckled as Taemin walked away, the poor boy was so embarrassed and he had only dug the hole deeper with his comment about Kai's ass being tight. Kai sighed contently as he went back to the EXO dorm hoping the other members had forgotten the mishap that happened earlier.

Kai walked in to be greeted by silence. 'It must be late,' he thought to himself having not looked at the time for quite some time now.

Kai went to his shared bedroom with Kyungsoo and got undressed. He changed into a pair of grey sweats and left his shirt off as he joined Kyungsoo in their queensized bed.

Kyungsoo shifted in his sleep and rolled on his side, his eyes fluttering open to reveal his big owl eyes that sparkled in the dim light that shone through the bedroom window behind the bed.

"Hey, where were you?" Kyungsoo asked as Kai laid down getting comfortable on his side of the bed.

"I was practicing my dance moves," Kai said putting one arm behind his head and the other other across the pillow.

Kyungsoo moved closer and cuddled up to Kai for warmth. "You shouldn't over do it Jongin-ah"

"I'm fine hyung. I had a massage so I'm super relaxed." Kai smiled at the memory, Taemin's hands worked like magic.

Kyungsoo let out a small gasp. "By who?"

"Taemin, who else?" Kai stated sarcastically.

"Are you and him a thing?" Kyungsoo asked curiously.

Kai scrunched up his face in disgust. "Dude no. We're br~ uh best friends." Kai said but had to correct himself before he let out 'The Big Secret'

Kyungsoo yawned. "It was just a question Jongin."

It went silent for a few minutes as Kai lost himself in his thoughts and simply listened to the sound of Kyungsoo's soft breathing.

"Hey hyung?" Kai whispered.

"Mmm?" Kyungsoo hummed sleepily.

Kai sighed. "Have you ever felt really lost? Like you just don't know who you are anymore?" Kai asked seriously.

He never got a reply though and was left laying there to think about the answer for himself.


The next morning Kai awoke alone, which wasn't out of the ordinary, but for once he wished he had someone to be there when he woke up; someone he could cuddle and love and call his own.

Kai sighed and dragged himself out of bed, he reached for his phone on the bedside table and texted Taemin who he knew would be awake due to schedules.

Kai: Thanks for the massage last night hyung, it really helped

He put his phone back down knowing that Taemin was terrible when it came to replying or answering the phone. Kai stood up and left the room not bothering with a shirt, he went to the kitchen and expected to find Kyungsoo and the other members but it was strangely empty.

Kai shrugged and went back to his room for clothes before having a shower. He styled his hair then grabbed his phone and wallet before leaving the K dorm, he made his way across to the M dorm hoping one of the members was available.

He was about to knock on the door but froze with his hand in mid air when he heard a loud moan.

"Ah~ Baozi!!" the loud moan belonged to Luhan, Kai had made Luhan moan enough times to recognise the sound.

Kai dropped his hand and walked away, instead he made his way to the SHINee dorm hoping that they were home.

A knock on the door and a few unnerving minutes later Kai found himself face to face with SHINee's manager.

Kai bowed formally. "Good morning Manager Jin hyung."

"Good morning Jongin." Jin smiled. "I'm afraid Taemin isn't awake yet."

"hmmph," Kai pouted. "Is it okay if I come in and wait?"

"I'm sure it couldn't hurt." Jin stepped aside and motioned to come in.

Kai took a deep breath and entered the not so familiar dorm, it wasn't much different from the EXO dorms, but he had only ever been here once.

"Hello Jongin-ah" Key greeted as he spotted him.

"Hello hyung." Kai smiled.

Key rolled his eyes. "That's umma to you."

Kai chuckled. "Okay umma.. I hate to ask but could you cook me breakfast?"

"Sure thing. Come to the kitchen." Key smiled sweetly. "Jonghyun, Onew hyung if you guys want breakfast now is your chance." Key called out as they walked down the small hallway to the kitchen.

Kai took a seat on one of the stools at the island while Key got out everything he needed to cook, Jonghyun and Onew piled into the kitchen noisily.

"Hey Jongin." Jonghyun smiled widely.

"Hey hyung." Kai smiled, he was glad for the company.

"So Jongin, what's the plans for today?" Key asked while cooking pancakes.

Kai shrugged. "Honestly I have no idea. I wanted to hang out with one of my members but no one was home when I woke up."

"So you came here for food?" Onew chuckled.

"Well~" Kai paused then nodded in defeat. "Yeah"

"You are always welcome here Jongin. I know that Taemin will be happy if you come around more." Key said as he plated up the first batch then slapped Jonghyun's hand away. "Wait until I finish the second batch so there is enough for everyone Jonghyun."

"I'm your boyfriend! Can't I have special consideration?" Jonghyun whined with a pout.

"No, now behave we have a guest." Key scolded.

Jonghyun rolled his eyes. "Jongin doesn't mind."

"Ah, good morning Tae-baby." Key said ignoring Jonghyun's comment.

Kai looked to see a sleepy Taemin standing in the doorway, he was in nothing but boxers and his hair stuck in every direction possible, he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand childishly before speaking.

"Morning umma." His voice was slightly deeper than usual.

'That's actually kind of hot,' Kai thought then mentally scolded himself for thinking of such a disgusting thought. 'Stop it Jongin that is your older brother you are thinking about.'

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